Friday, December 22, 2017

Special Board meeting

Special Board meeting to discuss which attorney will represent the district. Date : 12-28-17 @ 6:00 pm.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Meeting time change

The KCWD #1 Board of Directors has changed the regular meeting time from 7PM to 6PM . The next meeting will be on 12/20/2017 at 6 PM.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Special meeting

There will be a special KCWD #1 meeting tomorrow night, 11/3/17 at  6pm, 7739 E. Sunnyside RD to take care of  unfinished business from the October meeting.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Leak update

I have discovered a leak on Kitty Lane that affects Bonanza and Dillon roads I am waiting for emergency locates to be done I anticipate The leak to be fixed by 12 noon

Water leak

Water leak affecting Bonanza and Dillon roads. Couldn't find earlier, I'm waiting for daylight, Mike.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Water alert

We are experiencing some water outages in the higher elevations in the district, we had a failure at the filter plant yesterday which has brought our water levels extremely low.  

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Highview dr

We will be doing a repair on Highview Drive tomorrow morning Monday, August 7 beginning at 9 AM until approximately 1 PM I will need to shut the main off to make this repair so you may see and experience a water outage

Friday, August 4, 2017

High demand

Water alert we are experiencing extremely high water demand please limit any outside watering to a bare minimum this is an extreme condition as our water levels are extremely low

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Cody road leak

We are on site this morning beginning the repair on the Cody and Dixie intersection leak at times we may have to turn the water pressure down or possibly off.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

7/25/17 update

Our water system is beginning to recover although slower than I hoped .please do everything you can to help conserve water is it may take some time. I lost my water on Vista Loop approximately 1/2 hour ago and it has started to flow again now this may be the case for those living in the higher elevations in the district such as Vista Loop, Bonnell Road,  Highview and high chaparral areas also maybe some on Cody road as well. Thank you for your cooperation Mike

7/25/17 update

We are currently in a water emergency I urge all of our water patrons to do no lawn watering for the next 48 hours our reservoir is nearly empty and I have notified the fire department of that. Some patrons in the higher elevations are experiencing water outages at this time so please do everything you possibly can to help conserve water thank you Mike

Urgent situation

We have very low water levels this morning. We are consuming more water than we can produce. Patrons may notice lower pressure, please no lawn watering today. Thanks Mike.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


The water situation has improved greatly over night although I am still asking patrons to water moderately in the very early hours of the morning not to water during mid-day also I have implemented odd even watering days in accordance with your address. Please do everything you can to help conserve water, Mike 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

urgent condition

Good morning all our water situation has improved slightly over yesterday I'm asking all patrons to not do any outside lawn watering again today to see if our water system will recover fully as our reservoir is slightly less than half full. We will be doing a cleaning today in the filters hopefully that should remedy the situation thank you for your cooperation Mike

Monday, July 10, 2017

Very high demand

We are experiencing extremely high water demand for today Monday please do not do any outside watering of lawns, our water system is running desperately low on water. Thanks Mike

Saturday, July 8, 2017

High demand

Hello, with the high temperatures we are experiencing an extremely high demand for water. I am asking all patrons to do what they can do to help conserve water. Please do not water mid day. There have been studies done stating that you can lose anywhere from 25% and greater water loss due to evaporation.  If you have questions or comments please feel free to email me back thank you Mike💦

Monday, July 3, 2017


I will be meeting the control valve technician at Kingswood  this morning at 8:30 to address the fluctuating water pressure issue water may be off for short time this morning.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Kingswood pressure

I have a confirmed appointment with North Idaho pump for 3 o'clock today to address the Kingswood fluctuating water pressure issue. I will keep you posted as things develop thanks Mike.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Lawn watering times

Just a reminder to help conserve water, please DO NOT water during the middle of the day as you can lose 20 to 25% to evaporation. Water late T night or early mornings. Thank you Mike.


We are having some pressure reducing valve issues again at Kingswood I have a call into North Idaho pump and they will be sending me a technician as soon as possible this will affect the household water but should not affect fire flows as that is a different feed, hopefully this will be resolved today. Mike

Monday, June 19, 2017


The pressure reducing valve at Kingswood has been repaired everything is back to normal as of approximately 9:30 AM this morning. The water system is back to normal, Mike

Friday, June 16, 2017

High pressure Kingswood

..We have a pressure reducing valve failure that affects the Kingswood area, Replacement parts are on order, repairs are scheduled to take place starting at about 9 AM on Monday morning. Higher than normal water pressures are to be expected they are up around the hundred pounds per square inch up and tell the repairs can be made on Monday morning, thanks Mike 

High pressure Kingswood

I am currently working on the high water situation in the Kingswood Estates area, we have a pressure reducing valve that is currently failing I have a technician from a pump company in route to look at it. The pressures are high in the neighborhood from 100 to 105 pounds which hopefully will not cause any further problems. I will update the blog when I have further information thanks Mike.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Urgent situation

Good evening all, we are still operating on a temporary 2" raw water line , as the shifting of the ground has damaged the pipes under the plant, we have been doing fine water wise until the increased temperature this week and now we are falling behind. I am asking you to conserve water in anyway you can even to the point of not watering your lawn I would say it is still OK of course keep your animals ,vegetables and flower gardens watered but please do not water your lawn until further notice. Thank you Mike.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Vista booster update 5/25/17

Good morning all this to booster upgrade went well with just a few small problems were resolved by about 9 o'clock last night due to the depressurization you may see some micro bubbles in the water this will clear out in time in the lines just need to be flushed out there's nothing harmful and this is a natural occurrence when you depressurize and then re-pressurize water system, thanks Mike.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Vista booster back on line

It is now 5 PM we have been pumping water out of the Vista booster for about 10 to 14 minutes now it will take some time to recharge the piping in the Vista , Bonnell and Highview areas. Wonderful should stabilize over the next few hours becoming normal later this evening.

Vista booster

The repair is going well at the Vista booster station I would estimate they are at about 90% complete right now I would fully expect that we will be flowing water by 5 PM today thank you for being patient

Vista booster repair. 5/24/17

Good morning all this morning we are going to be doing some scheduled maintenance at the Vista booster station you may notice a decrease in pressure and possibly no water later throughout the day this will begin at 9 AM and hopefully will be restoring water service by three or 4 PM today. I will be posting more information on the blog throughout the day when the water service is restored please do your best to try to conserve so we can get our mains  filled back up this will affect people on upper end of Bonnell Road Vista Loop and Highview

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Update 3/28/17. 7:15 am

Major leak discovered in bonanza ranch has drained the reservoir which is affecting water patrons districtwide I have that valve shut off so the system will begin to recover. The leak is that gold rush and Silverstreet I'm anticipating it will be repaired by early afternoon the system will be recovering throughout the day. Mike

Main break gold rush

I'm investigating a possible main break on the gold rush area of bonanza ranch which is drained the reservoir down becoming for locates soon I'll post more as it becomes available, Mike

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Bonanza repair

We will be working on a low pressure situation caused by a leak in the bonanza Ranch area today which will include Cartwright, Hoss, Little Joe and Allen roads. You may noticed low pressure and no water pressure at times throughout the day. When water pressure is restored please run the cold water wide-open for several minutes to flush the line out. Mike

Monday, March 6, 2017

Templin Trail

We have begun work on the Templin Trail Outage as of about 30 minutes ago we were anticipating service to be restored I will let you know if there any other developments, Mike

Low pressure

The low-pressure condition on cart right little Joe and Alan roads will be addressed later in the week we're working on other active leaks right now, Mike 

Kitty leak

The leak on kitty has now been repaired this will affect water service on Bonanza Rd., Dillon Road had a small portion of Captain John MULLAN you should have WATER shortly. Mike

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Bacteria tests are back 👍💦

I was just notified by the lab that all my water samples are absent if bacteria. Our water is safe to drink.

Templin Trail leak

I'm investigating a leak on Templin trail that will affect Templin Trail and Nugget.


The boil order is still in place I should have results by 5 PM this afternoon if the order can be lifted

Saturday, March 4, 2017


I have an active water leak on Little Joe RD will be repaired within the next few hours this whole fact water service to those on Little Joe cart right Hoss and Allen Road

3/3/17 11:00 am

The one minute water boil order is still in place I am collecting water samples today and I will be delivering them to the lab this afternoon we should have the results back in 24 hours, Mike

Friday, March 3, 2017

3/3/17. 9:20 am

Bonanza ranch leak has been isolated between Pondarosa  and Bonanza roads, I have not found it yet continuing to work on it

3/3/17. 6:25 am

I am checking out a report of low water pressure on Bonanza Road and two calls for no water on Dylan please go outside your home and see if you see water boiling out of the ground and call me 208-691-6441.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

3/2/17. 8:10 am

The one minute water boil order is still in place, I am still working to stabilize the chlorine levels in the system. Mike.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March 1, 2017

The water boil order is still in effect until I can get it correct chlorine residual throughout Water Dist. please fold the blog or the answering machine will be updated daily. Mike

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

2/28/17. 8:15am

We have an active leak on Little Joe Road this will be repaired today it'll be affecting Little Joe, Cartwright ,Hoss and Allen Road also there are micro bubbles in the water system that will appear as a foggy or cloudy water the water is fine still we are boiling for one minute before drinking that will probably go on throughout the week, please flush the line out by running cold water preferably from my bathtub and that will help get rid of the microbubbles, Mike.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Gold rush

Very shortly I will be investigating a water outage in the gold rush Captain John MULLAN area I am sure we have a leak

2/27/17. 7:25 am

I am still working through some issues at the plant so the water boil request is still in place may very likely be throughout the entire week, we're having multiple leaks show up after the depressurization and re-pressurization mainly in bonanza Ranch area. I will continue to update the blog. Mike.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Line Break Gold Rush Road

I have a Web food water main on Gold Rush Road crews are on the way waiting for emergency locates. This affects gold Rush Road primarily on the southside of Captain John MULLAN if you're in that area you'll be without water until approximately 2 o'clock this afternoon if everything goes well, Mike

Saturday, February 25, 2017

2/25/17. 1:15

Also water samples will not be taken today they're being postponed until tomorrow Sunday I will have them at the lab tomorrow at 4 PM so we will get the results back on Monday please continue to boil your water for one minute or used drinking water from another source, Mike.

2/25/17. 1:00 pm

Water has been restored districtwide just working through some minor glitches a few water breaks here and there be working a water line break later this afternoon in the bonanza Ranch area that is going to affect Cartwright, Little Joe, Hoss and Allen roads . Work will begin at approximately 2:30 PM those affected areas shall expect to be without water service until about 6 PM hopefully it will be shorter than that, Mike

Friday, February 24, 2017

3:15 pm 2/24/17

Water service has been restored most of the patrons in the district now I begin pumping water out of the Vista booster station about a half an hour ago the customers that live on Burnell Road Vista Loop, Highview in the Kingswood area shall be getting water soon we need to fill the pipes in all the lanes to those roads switch will take a short time as the flow to the Vista booster increases I will turn on another pump to increase the flow I'm hopeful that everyone in the district will have water service by tonight

Update 9:20. 2/24/19

The water system is recovering nicely we are currently pumping 370 gallons a minute out of the plant with lots of water patrons of the highest elevation have yet to receive water please be patient it's on its way my hope is that everyone has water by 12 noon today the 24th please continue to conserve when you do get water so the rest of the patrons can also recover.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

8:12 2/23/17

I have both pumps running now and we are putting out 445 gallons per minute.

Update 7:20 pm 2/23/17

Repairs to the water system are completed as of 6:15 PM I'm letting the filter plant recover and I will begin pumping with the big pump within the hour please continue to conserve for several days remembering drink the water if you boil it for one minute otherwise you can get it from water from me at the office, when you do get water at your home please remember that anyone with a higher elevation the new still does not have water and be considerate of your neighbor and conserve conserve conserve thanks Mike.

Update 4:45 2/23/17

The crews are making the final connections on the raw water line, The signal to turn the pumps on so we can filter and pump water. Remember to boil water one minute before drinking or get water from the office. When you get water please continue to conserve for several days. Mike.

Update 3:403/23/17

The crews are making good progress with the replacement of the supply line pipe outside of the filter plant this should be completed this evening and we should be able to start both of our pumps to pump water throughout the district later this evening, i'm sorry but I cannot give an exact timeline, Mike

Update 2/23/17 10:55

Workers are continuing the repair process to reestablish the lake water feed to my filter plant. As soon as this process is completed we will begin filtering water and will be able to increase The volume of water that were able to flow to the patrons. Thank you for your patience.

12:45 am 2/23/17

I invite any and all patrons who have concerns about the progress being made on the repair to the slow sand filter plant to come down between the hours of 7 AM and 11 PM and I will personally take you on a tour and show you the extent of the damage that happened to our facility. I am confident that once you see what has happened will probably give you a different perspective on the scope of what has happened and the amount of work that has taken place. Please seek me out and I will show you firsthand what has transpired.Mike.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

11:40 pm 2/22/17

I had Crews cleaning in the filter bays  today to increase production we should be able to  run the big pump wide-open possibly adding the smaller pump to it as well tomorrow should be a changing point in Water Dist. also it is estimated that the repair crews will have the Raw water inlet repaired by noon tomorrow. Mike

5:00 pm 2/22/17

I am running alternating pumps the small pump for about two hours then the large pump for books out two hours to maintain a consistent level here at the Pump may notice at times that you have water then you lose water and that is the explanation why.

Update 3:50 pm 2/22/17

I just got off the phone with Suzanne at DEQ she's advising me to notify the patrons of Kootenai County water number one do not drink the water until our system is fully pressurized and I am able to take bacteria samples from multiple locations and submit them to the lab. She referred to this as an extra safety precaution but it does follow the rules and rags set forth by Idaho DEQ.

2:40 pm 2/22/17

I apologize for not updating the blog but my phone decided to go for a swim at the dig site last night and I just got it repaired and returned to me. We are currently making water pumping it up hill but with the mains being empty it's taking a long time to recover if you do get water please use it sparingly and continue to conserve for the next several days at least possibly into and through the weekend. Construction crews are still on site repairing the raw water feed to our plant making good progress. Again please confirm and we have water available here at the plaid 5866 E. Sunnyside so come here and we will fill your water jugs up. Mike

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Update 6:30 2/21/17

The crews have begun the rebuild project now putting new parts together hopefully I will be able to start pumping water around eight or 830 this evening if everything goes right.  When I start the pumps I will send out another update do not be worried if the water should be discolored some orange-ish color to it will be normal we just need to flush the lines out. Run  a small stream of cold water until the water runs clear do not drink it if there is any color to it. The office is still manned if anyone would like to stop by and refill their water jugs.

Update 1:40 pm 2/21/17

Repairs are still underway the crews have dug 11 feet deep at the filter plant and are just about to expose the coupling that we believe is the problem.

Update 9:50. 2/21/17

I was able to pump approximately 25,000 gallons of water last evening and do not be alarmed by the color of the water it is a biofilm which is naturally occurring and it is not dangerous we just need to get the lines flushed out before you drink it it's a little ugly but it is not harmful. Mike

Update 2/21/17

Construction crews are back on site with shoring to prevent cave-ins we lost some ground overnight as the hole  caved in and put about three more feet of material on top of the previous excavation we're optimistic that they should dig down to the joint that we suspect is the broken connection hopefully within several hours. I have clean drinking water here at the office so please bring your water jugs down and I would be glad to fill them. Mike.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Water available

I have water available at the office at 5866 E. Sunnyside please bring your water jugs down and I'll be glad to fill them. I will be there generally from 8 AM to 5 PM, Mike.


I purchased nine truckloads of water today and was able to run the pumps for a short time the water situation has not changed but some of you may have had some water for a short period of time the pumps are now all shut off and we have pump the water that we had purchased today more updates in the morning I'm sorry if this was confusing, Mike

8pm update

The crews have dug a 10 foot hole in the filter plant and are just at the point to get to what we believe is the problem connection but they have run into a problem the hole is so deep that the banks are now caving in and we have determined that is unsafe for anybody to be in that hole so we will be without water for tonight the crews will be back out in the morning by 7or 8 AM with shoring and hopefully will be able to have this fixed possibly in the morning I will update the blog regularly. Mike


The construction crews have a 4 foot diameter hole in the concrete and have dug down following the pipe about 6 feet getting close to where we think the break is I will update you when I know more,  Mike

Water line repairs

Crews are on site hauling in equipment, repair is underway.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Water emergency

We are still in a water emergency situation the raw water feed and the treated water feed at the filter plant are both broken under the building I have crews coming in early in the morning to cut concrete and fix the problem we are optimistic that we should have water flowing by late afternoon or early evening but that would be in a perfect situation, so please prepare to be without water for several days and maybe we will get lucky and it will be sooner than that thanks Mike


If you can,PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE men and boys " go outside " every flush counts 😬

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Line breaks at filter plant

Today I discovered that the main feeding the filter plant had broken. This break is under the filter plant. We made a temporary fix for this, only to discover that the filterd treated water line is also broken. I have construction crews coming out in the morning. PLEASE CONSERVE WATER!!!!! We may get the lines repaired tomorrow, but nothing is certain. I am asking you to refrain from doing laundry etc. if there is anything you can do to help is very much appreciated. We do not want the reservoir or the system to run out of water. Please do anything you can to conserve water until further notice. I will update this  blog regularly. Thank you for your help, Mike.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017