Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Update 3/28/17. 7:15 am

Major leak discovered in bonanza ranch has drained the reservoir which is affecting water patrons districtwide I have that valve shut off so the system will begin to recover. The leak is that gold rush and Silverstreet I'm anticipating it will be repaired by early afternoon the system will be recovering throughout the day. Mike

Main break gold rush

I'm investigating a possible main break on the gold rush area of bonanza ranch which is drained the reservoir down becoming for locates soon I'll post more as it becomes available, Mike

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Bonanza repair

We will be working on a low pressure situation caused by a leak in the bonanza Ranch area today which will include Cartwright, Hoss, Little Joe and Allen roads. You may noticed low pressure and no water pressure at times throughout the day. When water pressure is restored please run the cold water wide-open for several minutes to flush the line out. Mike

Monday, March 6, 2017

Templin Trail

We have begun work on the Templin Trail Outage as of about 30 minutes ago we were anticipating service to be restored I will let you know if there any other developments, Mike

Low pressure

The low-pressure condition on cart right little Joe and Alan roads will be addressed later in the week we're working on other active leaks right now, Mike 

Kitty leak

The leak on kitty has now been repaired this will affect water service on Bonanza Rd., Dillon Road had a small portion of Captain John MULLAN you should have WATER shortly. Mike

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Bacteria tests are back 👍💦

I was just notified by the lab that all my water samples are absent if bacteria. Our water is safe to drink.

Templin Trail leak

I'm investigating a leak on Templin trail that will affect Templin Trail and Nugget.


The boil order is still in place I should have results by 5 PM this afternoon if the order can be lifted

Saturday, March 4, 2017


I have an active water leak on Little Joe RD will be repaired within the next few hours this whole fact water service to those on Little Joe cart right Hoss and Allen Road

3/3/17 11:00 am

The one minute water boil order is still in place I am collecting water samples today and I will be delivering them to the lab this afternoon we should have the results back in 24 hours, Mike

Friday, March 3, 2017

3/3/17. 9:20 am

Bonanza ranch leak has been isolated between Pondarosa  and Bonanza roads, I have not found it yet continuing to work on it

3/3/17. 6:25 am

I am checking out a report of low water pressure on Bonanza Road and two calls for no water on Dylan please go outside your home and see if you see water boiling out of the ground and call me 208-691-6441.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

3/2/17. 8:10 am

The one minute water boil order is still in place, I am still working to stabilize the chlorine levels in the system. Mike.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March 1, 2017

The water boil order is still in effect until I can get it correct chlorine residual throughout Water Dist. please fold the blog or the answering machine will be updated daily. Mike