Tuesday, December 27, 2022


The monthly board of directors meeting is Wednesday December 28, 2022 at 6:00 P.M. located at 6095 Mullan Trail Rd.  The agenda can be viewed on the agendas tab.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Allen Road Repair Update - Completed

At approximately 2:30 PM, the KCWD#1 crew began re-pressurizing the Allen Road mains.  Unfortunately, the initial repair did not hold, and had to be re-excavated and repaired again.  Re-pressurization was started again around 3:30 PM, and as of 4:30 PM, appeared to be holding. The crew will complete backfilling and clearing the road this evening.  Water Service has been restored to all affected Patrons.

Friday, December 23, 2022


The repairs were not able to be completed today due to weather conditions and isolation valve conditions, so patrons will experience low pressure through the night.  Repairs will continue tomorrow, Sunday.  Thank you for your understanding.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Bonanza Ranch Low Pressure

 Attention Patrons:  A partial main break on S. Allen Rd is creating low pressure for patrons on Cartwright, Reagan, Little Joe, Hoss and Allen Roads.   The situation will be closely monitored.   The leak repair is set to be completed tomorrow.  Thank you.

Monday, December 19, 2022


The service for the Templin Trail patrons has been fully restored.  The leak was repaired and service restored at 1:00 P.M.  The road was reopened at 3:30 p.m.  

Sunday, December 18, 2022


Another leak on Templin Trail; at this time the the leak location is undetermined.  Patrons should prepare for outage, that could possibly go through the night.  We will post updates as they become available. Please note, every effort is being taken to identify the location of the latest leak and get it repaired.  Thank you

Friday, December 16, 2022


 The Bonanza water leak repair  was completed about 1:15 P.M. The repressurization started immediately.  Patrons be cautious on observing sediment in the water, please flush tap until clear.  Thank you for patience and cooperation.  


There will be a water disruption for Patrons on the 1300 - 1400 block of Bonanza Rd and the 1300 - 1500 block on Dillion Rd.

Service outage will affect those areas.  The estimated repair time is 4:00 P.M. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

December Board Meeting will be held on December 28, 2022

The Board of Directors usually holds the December monthly Board meeting on the third Wednesday of the month instead of the usual fourth Wednesday to accommodate the Christmas holidays.  However, this year Christmas falls in the middle of the third and fourth Wednesday, so the regular Board meeting will be held on December 28, 2022, instead of December 21, 2022.

Notice of the Board Meeting and the Agenda will be posted prior to December 28th in compliance with the Open Meeting Laws requirements.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Special Executive Session Board Meeting Thursday, December 8, 2022

The KCWD#1 Board of Directors will hold a special Executive Session meeting on Thursday evening, December 8, 2022, at 6:00 PM to further discuss the Water System Operator position.  The Agenda can be found on the Board Meeting Agendas page.

Friday, December 2, 2022

Templin Trail Leak #5 Repaired

Templin Trail Leak #5 has been repaired, and the isolation valve opened this afternoon.  The valve will remain partially closed to lower the risk of another blow out on this main.  Templin Trail Patrons will experience lower than normal water pressures.  For those affected Patrons on the Templin Trail main, please use the following guidelines for low pressure:

What should you do if your water pressure drops below 20 PSI?

  •     Continue to use your water for showering, clothes washing, dish washing, cooking, etc.
  •     Continue to use water to wash your hands using soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  •     Flush your water lines if discoloration occurs.
The District Board is awaiting estimates by outside contractors to replace several hundred feet of the two inch main where numerous breaks have been occurring over the past days and years.  The current plan is to get this work done next week.  

     Although this replacement will not be the final work required to bring this main up to current codes, the goal is to stabilize this part of the Distribution system until the Facility Engineering Plan work is scheduled.

Templin Trail Emergency Repairs Required Again

Late last night, the Templin Trail main ruptured in a new location (not the small leak that was seen after re-pressurizing yesterday).  Crews are back out this morning to make emergency repairs on this new Leak #5, with the goal of restoring water service this afternoon to the Templin Trail Patrons.

The Board will be holding an emergency phone meeting as soon as possible today to approve more extensive work to shore up this section to stabilize this area in advance of the scheduled Engineering Facility Plan replacement of the failing, and undersized, mains in the KCWD#1 Distribution system. 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Templin Trail Leak #3 Repaired

The third leak that surfaced on Wednesday was repaired and the Templin Trail main was re-pressurized beginning around 1:00 PM this afternoon.  Water Service has been restored to all Patrons this afternoon.

There is a small leak that was located after re-pressurizing, but the system can handle this loss.  The leak will be monitored over the weekend, and repair will be done next week, as long as the leak remains small.  If the main should rupture more seriously, emergency repairs will need to be started immediately. 

Thank you to all the affected Patrons for your patience during this ordeal.