The regular board meeting is Wednesday January 22, 2025, 6:00 P.M. located at 6095 Mullan Trail Road. The agenda is available under the pages tab board meeting agendas.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Update on Leak on Templin Trail
The District crew worked on repairing the Templin Trail leak, which was reported last night around 7:30 PM, until 4:00 AM this morning. Unfortunately, this old section of brittle pipe continued to break after the wraps were installed. A 20 foot section has been patched in on this old two inch main, but another break has occurred this morning. Crew is working on repairing this section now, and ETR (Estimated Time of Restoration) is 1:00 PM this afternoon. Patrons on Templin Trail, Reagan, and Nugget will have water service interrupted until the repair is complete and the main can be repressurized. Please monitor the blog for updates.
Reminder: Patrons who have had their water service interrupted, should open one inside tap slowly to vent any air that may have gotten into their plumbing, and then flush their lines until running water is clear during first use.
NOTE: This section of mains is scheduled for replacement in Phase 2 of the capital improvement project work which is scheduled for this Spring.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Leak on Templin Trail
A leak has been discovered on Templin Trail. Repairs are scheduled for tomorrow morning. Patrons on Reagan, Templin Trail and Nugget will experience water service interruption until repair is completed.
Reminder: Patrons who have had their water service interrupted, should open one inside tap slowly to vent any air that may have gotten into their plumbing, and then flush their lines until running water is clear during first use.