Saturday, December 26, 2015
Another Bonanza leak
Friday, December 25, 2015
Bonanza Road update
Bonanza leaks
Monday, December 21, 2015
Broken main on Templin Trail
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Power outage
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Minutes from October 28, 2015
Board of Directors Meeting- November 18, 2015
(Minutes from October 28, 2015)
I. President Bill Welsh called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with the following present:
Dave Dasher, Vice President
Loretta D. Zabka, Secretary
Diana Fost, Treasurer
Jeff Barber, Director
Guests: *******
See Guest List
II. Minutes for the Oct. meeting approved by motion (m/Barber, s/Dasher)
III. Treasurers Report Oct. meeting, motion made (m/Barber, s/Zabka)
IV. Manager’s Report approved by motion (m/Dasher, s/Fost)
** Went in and out of a brief executive session
V. Old Business.
A. Pending research per Welsh regarding leak in Bay 3.
B. Water-Smart Grant discussed
C. Prioritize projects
D. M. Waterhouse obtained bids for pipe costs on Bonanza Ranch
E. D. Dasher made a motion to spend 8 hours with Rob Tate cost could be around $1,000 (m/Fost,s/Dahser)
F. Regarding changes to section 13 of Rules and Regulations J. Barber felt his property was previously grandfathered in and sec. 13 should state his personal name because of possible loop hole interpretations indicated by the attorney, Appleton. Dasher and Welsh stated that personal names in the rules and relations were not customary. Motion made to publish the changes in wording per attorney Appleton to sec. 13 as written. (m/Dasher, s/Fost) three in agreement, one opposed (Barber)
VI. New Business
A. M. Waterhouse brought up Patron at Bonanza Ranch – Wanted to have the Rules and Regulations of Section 8 of Rental Property clarified. Board agreed the last sentence in Section 8 was confusing. Dasher agreed it should be re-worded and a motion was made to delete the last sentence of section 8 rental property.
B. Diana presented the new bid from Anderson Bros for 2016 audit. Will start after April 15 tax season. Estimated cost $7100 for audit. Motion made to have Anderson Bros handle district 2016 audit. (m/Barber, s/Fost)
C. Patron Larry Kensenlu addressed his concerns for the billing cycle method. He proposed an opinion on methods to make water charges easier to understand. He also requested records for his meter reading during summer 2014. He stated the water district is making errors on how they read the meters because they write only the last 3 numbers. He is questioning his overage. Guest, Keith Lund also questioned the district method of reading only the last 3 numbers, as he feels the district is generating additional charges to the customers because they read only the last three numbers which gives the water district the advantage to up the tier structure causing higher charges to the homeowner.
D. M. Waterhouse was given a $1.00 per hour wage increase retroactive from September 1, 2015 as the original agreed review period. Motion made (m/Dasher, s/Barber)
E. Next two meetings for the board will occur on November 18 and December 16 in lieu of the holidays.
F. Motion made by J. Barber for D. Fost to be given a $50 increase per month ($250 - $300) Motion carried (all in favor)
VII. KCWD #1 Projects List
A. Vista tower – Mike is working on a location
B. Distribution upgrade Hass and Little Joe
VIII. Adjournment 9:35 p.m. motion made (m/Dasher, s/Barber)
Board member needed
Monday, October 19, 2015
September Minutes
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Leak on Vista Loop
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
New 20hp pump
Our electrician has completed the installation of our new 20hp pump in the pump house, and it's fully operational. He did notice that a bearing in our 40hp is going bad. Mike has ordered a new bearing and we hope the old one holds out. During low demand periods, this would be a non event, however, now we have to be prepared for stronger water conservation if this bearing fails. I'll post an update when I learn more. Bill
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Questions answered from our last meeting
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Grouse Meadow outage
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Friday, July 10, 2015
Borley Rd repair
Borley Rd repair
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Borley Rd leak
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
I met with our Engineer to discuss Bonanza Ranch challenges and had a good talk with him. He's sending a PDF file of our system so that Mike will know where every line and valve is located.
Our reservoir is now at 60%...thank you for conserving :-) Bill
Good news
Our rolling shut off program has allowed the reservoirs to fill to 50%. Now if we can get folks to conserve during these hot spells, we can stay ahead of demand :-) On the processing side, our filters are ahead of our pumps, and we maintaining greater that 400,000 gallons a day, way better than last summer. Bill
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Fire protection
Mike has been communicating with KC Fire Department and was assured that combined with our resources, we are protected to the best of both departments abilities. Please conserve and today's rolling shut off program is allowing the reservoirs to fill. Thanks, Bill
Water use
We processed 420,000 gallons yesterday and it's been used up. Today we are shutting off sections of the system in an effort to build up the reservoirs. Please be patient. Remember to avoid excessive use of water, especially in the afternoon. Please observe the odd-even water cycles. Thank you, Bill Welsh
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Water Production
Today we processed 412,000 gallons, a record... Howerver, our demand is at record levels. Please don't water outdoors in the afternoon and follow the odd-even cycle to spread demand out. Thank you, Bill Welsh
Leak on Little Joe Rd
Friday, July 3, 2015
Water Conservaton
Thank you for helping us serve you better...
Responses to Meeting questions- June 24th 2015
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Meeting Minutes June 24, 2015
- In-term President Bill Welsh called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with the following present:
- Minutes for the June meeting approved by motion (m/Barber, s/Fost)
- Treasurers Report for June meeting, motion made (m/Barber, s/Zabka)
- Manager’s Report approved by motion (m/Barber, s/Zabka)
- Old Business
- Nomination for Dave Dasher to reside on board; motion made
- Vacancy on board for Vice President; board voted Dave Dasher; Bill Welsh voted to President. (m/Barber, s/Zabka).
- New Business
- Bill began by addressing patrons in attendance firstly, addressing an ominous letter randomly distributed to resident’s mail boxes. The letter disturbed many attending. Secondly, he then opened the floor for individual concerns and questions.
- Some individuals asked specific questions others sounded off; This is an account of some of the questions asked specifically by patrons name:
- Opening remarks began by David Allinger with an aggressive demeanor towards the board addressing his son Patch Allinger and his dissatisfaction about his son’s lack of continued employment with the district.
- Lou Peterman defended Patch’s tenure with the district and asking questions regarding his employ.
- Nancy Allinger, mother of Patch, voiced her dissatisfaction with the board on not retaining her son for further consideration of the manager position.
- Mike Martin specifically asked questions about the district’s water flow and the concern that the manager position would require additional part-time help.
- Teri Jett addressed her distress as to not being informed about the districts policies and procedures and criticized the communication through the local newspaper.
- Wayne Wood asked the board to justify the hiring of someone with not enough water experience skills?
- Bill Appleton, the water district attorney, addressed the hiring and handling of employee personal matters. He informed the audience of the official guidelines on how personal matters are handled; and what was legally appropriate to talk about.
- Terri Jett questioned the attorney and did not agree with his direction on personal discussion
- Doug Brochet had questions on the board conduct, but asked with vulgarity and disrespect.
- Sandy Clovis asked John the costs of water pumps? And the purchase of additional pumps for back-up, also the quality of our water at the sand filtration system? John responded in detail to her concerns.
- Jill Marshall asked for the districts by-laws.
- Carri Glesnor asked for response to the questions.
- Woody requested a meter read on water bill.
- Several patrons requested email for more communication between the district and themselves.
- Bill concluded the question/sound off session with closing remarks and assurance that those attending would have their questions answered.
- Board discussed tasks, duties and or changes that the manager could perform at any time with or without board approval. DEQ pre-approves any up-grades before any work ever begins on the filtration system.
- Policy guideline establishment is under construction for hard-copy requests of water board business; i.e., cost per copy, upfront money collection, time-frame for request. Also, discussed utilizing staffed employee’s for such requests.
- Diana Fost made a motion to create some type of kiosk box or cover board to post KCWD information for patron residents.
- Dave Dasher made a motion to fulfill patron, Lu Peterman, requests of minutes, treasury expenses for up to six months at no charge within 3 days.
- KCWD #1 Projects List
- Vista tower – John checking
- Distribution upgrade Hass and Little Joe
- Adjournment 9:50 p.m. motion made (m/Barber, s/Zabka)