Monday, October 19, 2015

September Minutes

                                                Kootenai County Water District No. I

Board of Directors Meeting- October 28, 2015

(Minutes from Sept 23, 2015)


I.                    President Bill Welsh called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following present:

Dave Dasher, Vice President

Loretta D. Zabka, Secretary

Diana Fost, Treasurer

Jeff Barber, Director


            Guests:   *******

                        Bob Grammer, Justine Lund, Robert Zabka


II.                  Minutes for the Sept. meeting approved by motion (m/Fost, s/Zabka)


III.                Treasurers Report Sept. meeting, motion made (m/Barber, s/Dasher)


IV.                Manager’s Report approved by motion (m/Dasher, s/Zabka)

#4.  Activity discussed in regards to water usage verses adequate

       coverage for all existing homes.  Welsh stated the capacity

       of 100 new homes is coverable with the district current system.


#7.  Mike had a meeting with DEQ – they advised him that the current

       filtering of water in the bays has not been up to State standards.

       They directed him to the ½ HP pump.  Mike researched the cost

       Of two different manufactures.


V.                  Presidents Report

A.      Bill received another cost proposal from Tate Engineering - - - this one was considerably higher.  Bill will speak with them as to the excessive cost increases for KCWD future development plans.  The district may look at other engineers for future plans.


VI.                Old Business

A.       D. Dasher presented additional information to past research on various government funding availability.  One termed water smart is a grant funding match program structured in two tiers depending on borrowed amount.  Dasher stated that those districts who have participated in this program tend to be helped more in (tier one), which is a lesser borrowing amount.  (Tier two) requires more paper work which is more invasive; requiring attorneys, engineers and more money.

B.      The district must prioritize the pending job projects and come up with an actual needed amount as well as determine if any the above money borrowing is a feasible option.

C.      No research compiled per Welsh regarding leak in Bay 3.


VII.              New Business

A.      Patron, Teri White was discussed regarding her current water bill.  She experienced a wintertime leak.  Waterhouse expressed it would be helpful to aid her in a bill reduction expressly based on the fact the board reduced another clients charges which were simply neglect and not a leak.  Board made a motion to assist with a tier one rate adjustment break on overages.  Board agreed to consider future individual matters of grievance on a case by case basis.

B.      D. Fost shared the method of the district calculations on the tired water base charges.

C.      D. Dasher introduced wording changes to Section 13 of the rules and regulations- Multiple Outlets.  Advised by the district’s attorney, Appleton, that the existing section as written left possible loop holes and problems in adhering to the rules and regulations.  A motion to approve is pending till next month’s board as J. Barber asked for time to digest the proposed changes.

D.     M. Waterhouse submitted request for two new water hook-up applications at $7500.00 each from Jim Taigin on Bonnell by Yellowstone.  Approved by motion ( m/Fost, s/Dasher).  Ben Martin on Bonnell Rd, approved by motion, m/Dasher, s/Fost.)

E.      D. Fost requested permission to pay-off backhoe loan.  Balance remaining of $9,700.  Motion made, (m/Barber, s/Fost)

F.       Regarding item #7 on Manager’s Report board approved a motion to purchase a pump per DEQ standards.  Purchase cost is about $500 to $700.  (m/Dasher, s/Fost).

G.     M. Waterhouse presented a letter from the state licensing board applicant fee $92.00.  Motion made (m/Zabka, s/fost).

H.     M. Waterhouse requested time to attend a training class for Mountain Water Works.  Fee involved varies from member or non-member.  Board approved attendance.

I.        J. Barber and D. Fost discussed more frequent meter reads; monthly verses bi-monthly.  Unanimous from board to costly and not warranted.

J.        Research per M. Waterhouse is requested on a property located at 1777 Grouse Meadow.  There is no name at this address.  Mike expressed concern there is no bill being generated for water usage.  Must be researched.


VIII.            KCWD #1 Projects List

A.      Vista tower – Mike is working on a location

B.      Distribution upgrade  Hass and Little Joe


IX.                Adjournment 9:45 p.m. motion made (m/Fost, s/Zabka)