Saturday, February 20, 2016

January 2016 meeting

                                                Kootenai County Water District No. I

Board of Directors Meeting- February 24, 2016

(Minutes – January 27, 2016)


I.                    Vice President Dave Dasher called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following present:

Diana Fost, Treasurer

Loretta D. Zabka, Secretary

Bob Grammer, Director


            Guests:   *******

                        Laura McAloons, Ron Grigsby, Keith Lund


II.                  Minutes for January meeting approved by motion (m/Fost, s/Grammer)


III.                Treasurers Report for January meeting, motion made (m/Dasher, s/Grammer)


IV.                Manager’s Report approved by motion (m/Fost, s/Zabka)


V.                  Old Business.

A.       Land Acquisition for water tower:  Harlands have offered land on High View 100’ by 100’, .23 acre.  Terms:  asking $5000 for land with monthly base rate for water at no charge.  Overages to be charged.  Requesting a fence and vegetation.  Motion made to accept $5000 land purchase, water covered at base rate, fence surrounding perimeter 100’ by 100’ (motion m/, s/all).

B.      Multiple outlets (sec. 13). A few patrons will have water bills doubling by June 1.  New line and new meter.  Motion made that property owners have to make every effort to install. (m/Fost, s/Grammer).

C.      Discussion on Water Smart application and the content.


VI.                New Business

A.       Possible INB or Umpqua bank change for KCWD.  Dina made a motion to transition account from US Bank to INB. (m/Fost, s/Grammer) board all in favor.

B.      Mike Waterhouse review:  hourly increase given to $17.00 per hour, with an increase again with successful passing of certification exam to $20.00 per hour, thereafter reviews an annual basis. (m/Fost, s/Grammer).


VII.              KCWD #1 Projects List

A.      Vista tower – Mike is working on a location

B.      Distribution upgrade  Hass and Little Joe


VIII.            Adjournment 10:20 p.m. motion made (m/Fost, s/Grammer)




Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Notice for meetings

Our meetings have been taking much more time than normal lately. Beginning with our next meeting in February, the chair will allow statements from the floor in the beginning of the meeting, allowing three minutes per person. If one wants to begin a new item for the agenda, then contact a board member and have this subject added to the new business section of the meeting. The chair will not entertain comments from the floor during the meeting unless that person put the item on the agenda.

Thank you for your cooperation with this matter. 
Bill Welsh, President

Janmuary meeting, December minutes

                                                Kootenai County Water District No. I

Board of Directors Meeting- January 27, 2016

(Minutes – December 16, 2015)


I.                    President Bill Welsh called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following present:

Dave Dasher, Vice President

Loretta D. Zabka, Secretary

Bob Grammer, Director


            Guests:   *******

                        Austin and Maria Mullen, Lu Peterman, Nancy Bartee


II.                  Minutes for the Dec. meeting approved by motion (m/Dasher, s/Zabka)


III.                Treasurers Report for Dec. meeting, motion made (m/Dasher, s/Grammer)

1.      Mike asked for specific guidelines to handle late warming’s and turn-offs.

The board set; a disconnect would occur upon 20 days late, with a prior disconnect notice sent out.  Motion made (m/Dasher, s/Grammer)


IV.                Manager’s Report approved by motion (m/Grammer, s/Zabka)


V.                  Old Business.

A.      Prioritize projects changed:  1. Reservoir cost 2. Line replacement Bonanza Ranch 3. Smart meters.  Motion made (m/Grammer, s/Zabka) Dasher opposed.

B.      Shon and Raquel Waddell, district patrons, have a tentative meeting Saturday morning, December 16, with KCWD board to walk their property perimeters for possible water tank location and discuss costs and terms.


VI.                New Business

A.      Dasher spoke to Rod Stewart about HSI – Owen financial on a re-development old project.

B.      Julina Hildreth from The Kootenai County Tax Assessor’s Office has offered to visit with the board on understanding our tax structures and assessments.  To be added to the agenda in February.


VII.              KCWD #1 Projects List

A.      Vista tower – Mike is working on a location

B.      Distribution upgrade  Hass and Little Joe


VIII.            Adjournment 8:30 p.m. motion made (m/Zabka, s/Grammer)




Saturday, February 6, 2016

November minutes

                                                Kootenai County Water District No. I

Board of Directors Meeting- December 16, 2015

(Minutes - November 18, 2015)


I.                    President Bill Welsh called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with the following present:

Dave Dasher, Vice President

Loretta D. Zabka, Secretary

Diana Fost, Treasurer


            Guests:   *******

                        Lu Peterman, Keith Lund, Robert Zabka, Tara Caldwell, Bob Grammer


II.                  Minutes for the Nov meeting approved by motion (m/Zabka, s/Dasher)


III.                Treasurers Report for Nov meeting, motion made (m/Dasher, s/Zabka)


IV.                Manager’s Report approved by motion (m/Dasher, s/Zabka)


V.                  President’s Report

A.      Bill handed out a sheet from Tate Engineering regarding his opinion of probable costs for KCWD #1


VI.                Old Business.

A.      D. Dasher presented a map of our water district system and Tate’s opinion of the priority level of repairs and water line size.  There were questions regarding map accuracy.

B.      In regards to funding; tier one $300,000 was okayed from US Bank for a line of credit.

C.      Prioritize projects:  Water Smart application, motion made to apply for water smart funding; projects one: Bonanza Ranch, two: smart meters.  Motion made (m/Dasher, s/Fost).  The projects priority as condensed by board not unanimous, Zabka opposed

D.     Shon and Raquel Waddell, district patrons, attended to discuss a possible location for a water tower on their property.  Mike to set up time and date.


VII.              New Business

A.      Two patrons interested in the vacated board position attended the meeting; Mr. Bob Grammer and Mrs. Lu Peterman.  The term remaining on Jeff Barber’s board of director board position comes up for election in 2017. Jeff resigned the board on October 30, 2015.  Bob Grammer was voted on to the board, motion carried by all. He begins immediately.

B.      New applications for water serve up to 290.

C.      Meeting for December 2 at 7:00 p.m. for Water Smart sales representative.


VIII.            KCWD #1 Projects List

A.      Vista tower – Mike is working on a location

B.      Distribution upgrade  Hass and Little Joe


IX.                Adjournment 7:45 p.m. motion made (m/Dasher, s/Fost)






December minutes

                        Kootenai County Water District No. I

Board of Directors Meeting- January 27, 2015

(Minutes – December 16, 2015)


I.                    President Bill Welsh called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following present:

Dave Dasher, Vice President

Loretta D. Zabka, Secretary

Bob Grammer, Director


            Guests:   *******

                        Austin and Maria Mullen, Lu Peterman, Nancy Bartee


II.                  Minutes for the Dec. meeting approved by motion (m/Dasher, s/Zabka)


III.                Treasurers Report for Dec. meeting, motion made (m/Dasher, s/Grammer)

1.      Mike asked for specific guidelines to handle late warming’s and turn-offs.

The board set; a disconnect would occur upon 20 days late, with a prior disconnect notice sent out.  Motion made (m/Dasher, s/Grammer)


IV.                Manager’s Report approved by motion (m/Grammer, s/Zabka)


V.                  Old Business.

A.      Prioritize projects changed:  1. Reservoir cost 2. Line replacement Bonanza Ranch 3. Smart meters.  Motion made (m/Grammer, s/Zabka) Dasher opposed.

B.      Shon and Raquel Waddell, district patrons, have a tentative meeting Saturday morning, December 16, with KCWD board to walk their property perimeters for possible water tank location and discuss costs and terms.


VI.                New Business

A.      Dasher spoke to Rod Stewart about HSI – Owen financial on a re-development old project.

B.      Julina Hildreth from The Kootenai County Tax Assessor’s Office has offered to visit with the board on understanding our tax structures and assessments.  To be added to the agenda in February.


VII.              KCWD #1 Projects List

A.      Vista tower – Mike is working on a location

B.      Distribution upgrade  Hass and Little Joe


VIII.            Adjournment 8:30 p.m. motion made (m/Zabka, s/Grammer)