Saturday, February 20, 2016

January 2016 meeting

                                                Kootenai County Water District No. I

Board of Directors Meeting- February 24, 2016

(Minutes – January 27, 2016)


I.                    Vice President Dave Dasher called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following present:

Diana Fost, Treasurer

Loretta D. Zabka, Secretary

Bob Grammer, Director


            Guests:   *******

                        Laura McAloons, Ron Grigsby, Keith Lund


II.                  Minutes for January meeting approved by motion (m/Fost, s/Grammer)


III.                Treasurers Report for January meeting, motion made (m/Dasher, s/Grammer)


IV.                Manager’s Report approved by motion (m/Fost, s/Zabka)


V.                  Old Business.

A.       Land Acquisition for water tower:  Harlands have offered land on High View 100’ by 100’, .23 acre.  Terms:  asking $5000 for land with monthly base rate for water at no charge.  Overages to be charged.  Requesting a fence and vegetation.  Motion made to accept $5000 land purchase, water covered at base rate, fence surrounding perimeter 100’ by 100’ (motion m/, s/all).

B.      Multiple outlets (sec. 13). A few patrons will have water bills doubling by June 1.  New line and new meter.  Motion made that property owners have to make every effort to install. (m/Fost, s/Grammer).

C.      Discussion on Water Smart application and the content.


VI.                New Business

A.       Possible INB or Umpqua bank change for KCWD.  Dina made a motion to transition account from US Bank to INB. (m/Fost, s/Grammer) board all in favor.

B.      Mike Waterhouse review:  hourly increase given to $17.00 per hour, with an increase again with successful passing of certification exam to $20.00 per hour, thereafter reviews an annual basis. (m/Fost, s/Grammer).


VII.              KCWD #1 Projects List

A.      Vista tower – Mike is working on a location

B.      Distribution upgrade  Hass and Little Joe


VIII.            Adjournment 10:20 p.m. motion made (m/Fost, s/Grammer)