Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Low pressure report

I am checking out a report of low water pressure in the little Joe and cartright areas this morning.

Monday, December 17, 2018

December meeting

The December meeting of KCWD#1 will be on Wednesday December 19th, 2018 at 6pm 7739 E. Sunnyside RD.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

2nd leak

2 nd leak in the same area as the leak yesterday hopefully WATER will be on by 5 PM today

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Low pressure reported

I am checking out A report of low water pressure in the Little Joe, Hoss and Ponderosa areas, Mike.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Special Board meeting

Monday, December 3, Fire Station at 4:00 to respond to Norm Milem's meeting violations. Agenda posted on office and fire station doors.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Special meeting

There will be a special meeting on Monday, December 3,2018 at 4pm at 7739 East Sunnyside Rd. Kootenai County Water District No. 1

Board of Directors Meeting




Monday, December 3, 2018

4:00 p.m.


Firehouse, 7739 E. Sunnyside Rd., Coeur d’Alene, Idaho




I. Call to Order


II. Business


A. “Action Item” – Review, discussion, and approval of minutes from Nov. 28, 2018 meeting.


B. Review and discussion of N. Milem allegation of open meeting law violation.


i. “Action Item” – Potential executive session pursuant to I.C. § 74-206(1)(f) to discuss with legal counsel regarding pending/imminently-likely litigation.


C. “Action Item” – Public response to allegation of open meeting law by finding/denial of open meeting law violation (and intent to cure if finding of violation)


i. “Action Item” – Potential discussion and action on Ben Martin’s resignation from BoD
ii. “Action Item” – Potential discussion, nomination, and vote on Lee Wheeler to take Ben Martin’s vacant seat on BoD
iii. “Action Item” – Potential ratification of all other business conducted at Oct. 24, 2018 and Nov. 28, 2018 meetings, as reflected in minutes of those meetings.


D. “Action Item” – Discussion and potential action on service application for Todd Bunger. 


E. “Action Item” – Review, discussion, and possible action on N. Milem “handout” provided at Nov. 28, 2018 BoD Meeting. 


F. “Action Item” – Potential discussion and action on new board opening for Tim Leeder’s seat. 


G. “Action Item” – Discussion, clarification, and potential action on Citizen’s Committee (search for new District Engineer). 


III. Adjournment


Thursday, November 29, 2018

December meeting

The December meeting will be on December 19th, 6pm, 7739 E. Sunnyside RD.

Monday, November 26, 2018

11/28/18 BOD meeting


Kootenai County Water District No. 1

Board of Directors Meeting

Nov. 28, 2018 




I. Call to Order

Board Members Present:

Guests: Sign in on list

II. Secretary’s Report:  October 24, 2018 Board Meeting
III. Treasurers Report
IIII. Manager’s Report
A. Discuss posting of agendas and minutes
V. Old Business
A. Possible action item:  Discuss tabling Zion Loan payoff.  
B. Possible action item:  Discuss tabling water rate changes until more reading data
C. Status of Upper Borley Road Leak Repair
D. Possible action item:  Discuss need for preventative maintenance program, if any
E. DEQ loan update, if available.  
F. Status on leak of bay 3 SSF plant and Big Sky’s response 
G. Status of maps redesign regards to Solomon annexation with the County for taxing
H. ICRMP reimbursement status as reported by KinzoMihara
A. Per Kinzo action on alleged open meeting law violation
I. Status of Millem Freedom of Information Request
J. Overview of financial position
VI. New Business
A. Possible Action:  Discuss Upper Borley leak repairs and subsequent issues

(Executive session requested by Kinzo)

                   B.   Letters from/to Magnuson (Exec. Session?)
       C.  Action Item:  Vote on acceptance of Tim Leeder resignation from Board
                   D.  Discuss need and guidelines for contracts for future significant projects  
                   E.  Discuss internal financial control procedure

       F.  Discuss By-Laws regarding posting of agenda’s per Idaho law.

                   G.  Bob Grammer discusses financial picture and thoughts.


      VII.       Adjournment


Friday, November 9, 2018

Borley road

The paving company will be out today paving on Borley road. The RD will not be closed but there may be a slight delays. Work is to begin around eight or 9 o’clock this morning.

Monday, October 22, 2018

September minutes

Kootenai County Water District No.1

Board of Directors Meeting

September 26, 2018


I. President Bill Welsh called the meeting to order 9:45 p.m. after public meeting starting at 6:00pm, with the following board members present:  Bob Grammer Vice President, Loretta Zabka- Secretary, and Tim Leeder – Director.  Absent: Ben Martin


Guests:  Justine Lund, Robert Zabka, JD Owen

Patrons were able to sign up for comments during the public meeting and were in excess of forty individuals.


II. Minutes from the Sept 5 special meeting approved by motion,

(m/Zabka, s/Leeder) all in favor.


III. Treasurers Report approved by motion (m/Grammer, s/Leeder) all in favor


IIII. Manager’s Report – Mike Waterhouse present:  Report approved by motion (m/Leeder, s/Grammer) all in favor


V. Motion made to table the board meeting at (Item V) Old Business until Wednesday, October 3 at 6:00 p.m.  (m/Zabka, s/Grammer) all in favor


VI. Board Adjournment 10:10 p.m. motion made (m/Leeder, s/Grammer) all in favor






Special Board Meeting October 3, 2018


President Bill Welsh called the meeting to order 6:00 p.m. with the following present:  Bob Grammer, Loretta Zabka, and Ben Martin.  Absent:  Tim Leeder


The meeting was canceled immediately upon opening as the Board was cited for a violation of the open meeting laws by patronNorman Milem who claimed the meeting and agenda were not properly posted. To avoid any question of impropriety the board president closed the meeting.  No business was conducted.  


Someone left a copy of the laws on the desk in the board meeting location and they were not discovered until the committee meeting on 10/19/18.



Meeting agenda


I. Call to Order

Board Members Present:


Public comments: Patrons sign up for a two minute comment time.


II. Introduce and vote on prospective board member Lee Wheeler who fills out the term for Ben Martin.


III. Secretary’s Report:  Special Board meeting  September, 5, 2018 

There were two committee meetings 10/12 and 10/19 where the discussion about water rates and calculation was covered.


IIII. Treasurers Report


V. Manager’s Report:   Manager present:


VI. Old Business
A. Action item:  Discussion and vote to payoff Zion Loan
B. Action item:  Discussion and Vote on water rate increases
C. Zabka requesting a priority order on districts problems:  What is listed in DEQ loan application?  Per Tate facility planner leaks are the priority.
D. Maintenance records, logs for back hoe and district truck.  Manager set schedule.
E. DEQ loan update.  When can work begin and when and how will funds be distributed
F. Status on leak of bay 3 SSF plant and Big Sky’s response with return date for repair. Has Tate followed up with Big Sky?
G. Status of maps redesign regards to Solomon annexation with the County for taxing
H. ICRMP reimbursement status as reported by KinzoMihara


VII. New Business
A. Discuss Borley Rd leak, line replacement: job scope, schedule, costs and contract
B. Treasurer is requesting training to understand Quick Books and viewing access for reviewing details in the interest of transparency 
C. John Hatrock extension request on will serve letter if expires during hookup moratorium


VIII. Adjournment


Board meeting

The monthly board of directors meeting for K C WD #1 will be on Wednesday, October 24 at 6 PM at 7739 East Sunnyside Rd.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Kitty leak

We have a broken water main on kitty Lane this will be affecting bonanza Dillon and a few homes on Captain John MULLAN hope to have water service restored by 4 PM Mike

Rate meeting

There will be a rate meeting on Friday, October 19, 2018 at 10 AM at 7739 East Sunnyside Rd.

Friday, October 12, 2018


I have a broken waterline on the kitty Lane at Bonanza Road this will affect everyone on bonanza a few patrons on Captain John Mullan and patrons on Dillon I hope to have this fixed by 12 noon today thanks Mike

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Borley update

Work continues on Borley road, I need to shut off the water at 9:15 this morning, the water will be off approximately 3 hours. Mike

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


We are a little bit behind schedule on the BORLEY project, it looks like it’s gonna be closer to six or 630 before the water is turned back on

Committee meeting

"Committee meeting, Friday, October  12th 10:00, at  7739 E. Sunnyside road for number crunching on water use rates for next fiscal year. This is a non voting meeting"  

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Borley news

We will be doing the switch over to the new replacement pipe on upper Borley Road tomorrow. Please have some extra water on hand as I will be shutting the water off about 10 AM. We will be doing the switchover, line flushig and sanitizing and then we will re-flush the line again. I hope to have all water service restored to normal by 5 PM tomorrow. Mike.

Borley update

The line replacement on Borley road continues, we plan on tieing in to the new line today. At this time I do not know what time that will be. Water will be off for several hours. I am asking all patrons to stay away from the job site. It is not safe to have people walking around and it distracts the crews and delays progress. Thanks Mike.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Borley update

The Borley project continues, most of the pipe is in and tie in to the new pipe will probably be today or tomorrow. Please have some extra water on hand , because when we tie in, the line needs to be sanitized and then flushed. Please check the blog regularly, Mike.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Borley update

They work on upper Borley Y Rd. continues the leak has become much worse so I have turn down the water volume trying to keep everyone in water service but you will notice definite reduction in pressure and volume. This is only temporary until we can switch to the new line that is being placed. Thanks Mike

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


We are currently working another repair on Borley road we anticipate the water being back on by 6 PM tonight. Mike

Borley repairs

Work continues on the Borley repairs .at approximately 1130 today we will have the water shut off for approximately 1 1/2 hours.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


We have the water turned off on Borley Rd. we expect the water to only be offered for approximately one hour it is now 430

Special meeting

There will be a special board of directors meeting on Wednesday, October 3 at 6 PM at 7739 East Sunnyside Rd.

Tuesday 10/2/18

Today is day two of the Borley RD line replacement we do not anticipate doing the switch over today but possibly tomorrow on Wednesday. The upper part of BORLE Y Rd. will remain closed throughout the project please use the lower end of the loop thanks Mike

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Upper Borley line replacement

We will be doing a partial line replacement on upper Borley road beginning on Monday, October 1 continuing through October 3 upper Borley will be closed to through traffic so everyone living on that road will need to access their homes by using lower end of Borley. The plan is to do the cut over to the new line on Wednesday so we will have to shut water off for a matter of hours. Please check the blog regularly as I will keep it updated. Thanks Mike

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Broken water main Highview Drive

I’ve had a contractor Diggin to a water main on Highview Drive this is affecting water service Highview Vista Loop, Barnhill Road and possibly Kingswood estate I hope you have a water restored in several hours it is currently 2:30 PM on Wednesday

Meeting address correction

The letter water patrons received regarding rates has the incorrect address on it. The meeting will be at 7739 E. Sunnyside RD. The former fire station building at Sunnyside and High Chapperal. Mike.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Broken main Vista Loop

I have a broken water main on Vista Loop that we will be repairing today WATER will need to be shut off at about 10 o’clock this morning so we can make the repairs this will affect water patrons on Vista Loop, Bonnell road and Highview Road. Hope to have repair complete by mid afternoon. Thanks Mike.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Grouse update

Water is back on to Grouse Meadows, pressure is building, all should be normal within an hour. Mike.

Grouse outage

I have a worker in route to check water in the Grouse Meadows area, Mike.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Low water pressure bonanza ranch

We have a leak in Bonanza ranch that we are having difficulty finding as the water is not surfacing, this is in the area of cart right little Joe Regan and Alan rd I have a leak detection service coming out tomorrow afternoon hope to have this resolved by tomorrow evening, thank you Mike

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Special Meeting

There will be a special board of directors meeting on Wednesday, September 5 at 6 PM at 7739 East Sunnyside Rd..

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Bonanza leak

There is a broken water line on Bonanza road that is affecting patrons on Bonanza road and Dillon road I hope to have water service restored by 10pm

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Lower Borley leak

We will be repairing a water line leak on lower BorleY Road today you may notice decrease pressure or no water at all I hope to have all service restored by 3 PM today thank you, Mike

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Low reservoir

We are experiencing extremely high water usage and in turn our reservoir has become dangerously low. I am asking all patrons to keep outside watering at a bare minimum and absolutely no mid day watering. Thanks Mike

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Borley RD leak

We will be making a repair on a broken line on lower Borley road today. You may notice a decrease in pressure or an actual loss of water pressure for short time I expect water service to be restored by 4 PM today. Mike.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Cartwright leak

We will be repairing a leak this morning on Cartwright Road. This will also affect patrons on Little Joe, Hoss and Allen. You may experience low or at times no water pressure. Hope to have all service restored by 1 PM. Thanks Mike.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Meeting rescheduled

Hello all the regular board of directors meeting has been changed from June 27 to Monday, July 2nd. Location is the same 7739 East Sunnyside Rd. at 6 PM. Mike

Friday, June 8, 2018

Borley leak

I am working on a broken water main on lower Borley RD. I am waiting for locates to be done for the power and gas . This will also affect Chelsea Lane, I hope to have water back on by mid afternoon thanks Mike

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Leak repair

I will be working on a leaking water main on Little Joe Road this morning this may affect service to Allen Road , Cartwright and Hoss lane. You may expect a decrease in pressure or possibly no water for a short time today, thanks Mike.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

No water

I am checking out report of no water on Dillon Road this would probably also affect Bonanza Road, I will update soon

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Line break

We have a broken water main at the intersection of Silver Road and last chance road that will be affecting that immediate area also this will be affecting customers on Dillon Road and Bonanza Road, I hope to have water service restored by early afternoon, thanks Mike

Friday, April 27, 2018


We have a blown out main on Kitty Lane this morning I am assembling crews ,hope to have water on shortly after noon today. Mike

Water outage

I am checking out reports of no water on Bonanza and Dillon roads this morning.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Water outage

I am checking out a water outage in the Dillon and Bonanza Road areas.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Forest lake

I am repairing a water line in the Forest Lake subdivision and have parts of Sharis road and fire steed shut off for the time being, hopefully WATER will be flowing again by 630 this evening

Tuesday, April 17, 2018


I am checking out a report of low water pressure on Dillon Road, this would probably affect Bonanza and someone Captain John MULLAN as well

Sunday, April 15, 2018


The leak on kitty Lane has been repaired and the water back on as of about 4 PM today Sunday, April 15

Kitty lane line break

We have a blown out Watermain on kitty lane which will affect bonanza, Dillon and a few homes on Captain John Mullen Road. Hopefully will have water service restored by 4 PM

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Up date

The repair on Bonanza Road is more complicated than usual I have specialty parts coming from a supplier in Spokane, the parts are on their way right now hopefully water service will be on by 4 PM. Thanks Mike.

Water outage

I am checking out reports of low water pressure and no water on Bonanza Road and Dillon road this morning 

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Water outage

I am investigating a water outage affecting bonanza Dillon and a few homes on Captain John MULLAN

Monday, March 26, 2018

March B. O. D. Meeting

The March 2018 KCWD #1 BOD meeting will be on 3/28/2018 at 6pm at 7739 E. Sunnyside road.  Agenda is. 1. Call to order,2. Secretary's report, 3. Treasures report, 4. Managers report 5. Old business A, annexation of property,B, loan requirements, C, SSF roof repair. D, board pay. E. ICRMP denial. F, water rights. 6, new business, A, Sonny Owens will serve letter. B, public notice change. 7, Adjournment.

March B. O. D. Meeting

The March 2018 KCWD #1 BOD meeting will be on 3/28/2018 at 6pm at 7739 E. Sunnyside road.  Agenda is. 1. Call to order,2. Secretary's report, 3. Treasures report, 4. Managers report 5. Old business A, annexation of property,B, loan requirements, C, SSF roof repair. D, board pay. E. ICRMP denial. F, water rights. 6, new business, A, Sonny Owens will serve letter. B, public notice change. 7, Adjournment.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Special meeting

There wil be a special KCWD #1 board of directors meeting on Wednesday March 14, 2018 at 6 pm at 7739 E. Sunnyside road.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Bonanza leak

We will be working another leak on Bonanza Road tomorrow morning starting at approximately 10 AM hoping to be all done by 2:30 PM. Thanks Mike 

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Bonanza leak

We will be working on a leak on Bonanza Road starting on Friday, January 12 at approximately 9 AM. This will affect patrons on Bonanza and Dillon Roads. Hopefully I'll water service will be restored by 2 PM. Thanks Mike.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Water leak Bonanza rd

I will be repairing a broken water main on Bonanza Road starting at approximately 1230. This will affect water patrons on Bonanza,, Captain John MULLAN and Dillon roads. I water service should be restored by 4:30 PM, Mike