Monday, December 16, 2019
Board of Directors Meeting
The Board of Directors Meeting is Wednesday December 18, 2019 at 6:00 P.M. located at 7739 E. Sunnyside Rd. To view the agenda please click on Pages titled Board Meeting Agendas.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Leak Repair on Vista Loop- Possible Water Service Interruption
Repair Scheduled for Monday, November 25th
A repair to the water system on Vista Loop will be done on Monday, November 25th. There is a possibility that the pump at the Vista Booster Station may have to be taken offline, possibly causing interruption to water service for Patrons on Vista Loop, Bonnell, and East Highview Dr. between noon and 2:00 PM.
A repair to the water system on Vista Loop will be done on Monday, November 25th. There is a possibility that the pump at the Vista Booster Station may have to be taken offline, possibly causing interruption to water service for Patrons on Vista Loop, Bonnell, and East Highview Dr. between noon and 2:00 PM.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Board of Directors Meeting
The Board of Directors regular meeting is Wednesday November 20, 2019 at 6:00 P.M. located at 7739 E. Sunnyside Road. To view the full agenda please click on Pages titled Board Meeting Agendas tab.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Final Nov. 5, 2019 Bond Election Results
It is now official! The KCWD#1 Bond Election was approved by the Patrons of the District!
IN FAVOR OF. . . . . . . . . . 111 63.79%
AGAINST . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 36.21%
The Board will now be able to move forward, with your support, with the process to complete plans with the Idaho DEQ, apply for funding, and start the projects to repair and upgrade our water system to ensure that we will have reliable and sufficient water service for all Patrons.
IN FAVOR OF. . . . . . . . . . 111 63.79%
AGAINST . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 36.21%
The Board will now be able to move forward, with your support, with the process to complete plans with the Idaho DEQ, apply for funding, and start the projects to repair and upgrade our water system to ensure that we will have reliable and sufficient water service for all Patrons.
Monday, October 21, 2019
KCWD1 Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday
There is a Board of Directors Meeting,Wednesday, October 23, 2019 - 6:00 P.M. located at
7739 E. Sunnyside Rd.
To see the agenda please click on the page Board Meetings Agendas.
7739 E. Sunnyside Rd.
To see the agenda please click on the page Board Meetings Agendas.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Thank you to all Patrons who attended the Special Board Meeting held this evening, October 15, 2019, to learn more about the Bond Election that will be held November 5, 2019. A special thanks to our guests: Fire Marshal Jeryl Archer, Bond Attorney Danielle Quade, and Rob Tate of Tate Engineering, who provided their valuable expertise in answering questions concerning this very important KCWD#1 initiative.
To view the information that was presented, please go to the link on the Resolution 2019-01 Bond Election page under Pages in the upper right of the blog Home page.
To view the information that was presented, please go to the link on the Resolution 2019-01 Bond Election page under Pages in the upper right of the blog Home page.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
KCWD1 Special BOD Bond Information Meeting
A Special Bond Information Meeting will be held Tuesday, October 15 at 6:00 P.M. located at
7739 E. Sunnyside Rd. to explain the proposed bond on the ballot for the November 5th election.
Fire Marshal, Jeryl Archer and Bond Attorney, Danielle Quade will be attending to answer any questions.
7739 E. Sunnyside Rd. to explain the proposed bond on the ballot for the November 5th election.
Fire Marshal, Jeryl Archer and Bond Attorney, Danielle Quade will be attending to answer any questions.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Bond Election Resolution 2019-01 Approved and Certified
Please go to the Resolution 2019-01 Bond Election Page to find the link to Resolution 2019-01 Bond Election, that has been submitted to the Kootenai County Elections Office for the November 2019 Ballot.
KCWD#1 Resolution 2018-01 Water Hook-up Moratorium Exhibit A
To correct an oversight, the KCWD#1 Board of Directors is hereby posting Exhibit A of Resolution 2018-01 Declaring an Emergency and Moratorium on New Water Hook-Ups, that was approved last summer on July 25, 2018. Because this Exhibit was not posted earlier, Patrons have 30 days from today's date (September 10, 2019) to petition the Board if they believe that they were inadvertently left off this list of exclusions to the water hook-up moratorium.
Please note that a link to Exhibit A is also posted on the Resolution 2018-01 Page along with the links to the supporting documents for exclusions 1. and 2. listed above.
Monday, September 2, 2019
Special Board Meeting September 4, 2019
There will be a Special KCWD#1 Board of Directors Meeting held on Wednesday, September 4, 2019, at 5:00 PM at the Firehouse, 7739 E Sunnyside Rd. Please note that the meeting time is an hour earlier than usual meeting start times, in order to accommodate required guests.
Please see the Board Meeting Agendas page for the Agenda and a link to the draft of the Bond Election Resolution 2019-01 that will be voted upon at the special meeting.
Please see the Board Meeting Agendas page for the Agenda and a link to the draft of the Bond Election Resolution 2019-01 that will be voted upon at the special meeting.
Resolution 2019-02 Change to District Board Bylaws
This is to notify the Patrons of Kootenai County Water District No. 1, that the Board has proposed a Resolution to change the Bylaws of the District Board of Directors. Please use the link below to view the Resolution and the proposed change. The Board plans to vote to approve this change at the next regular Board meeting on Wednesday, September 25th. Please address any comments or questions to Board members via email. Thank you.
KCWD#1 Resolution 2019-02 Change to Bylaws
KCWD#1 Resolution 2019-02 Change to Bylaws
Monday, August 26, 2019
Agenda for August 28, 2019 BOD Meeting
KCWD1 Board of Directors meeting 6:00 P.M. Wednesday August 28.
To view agenda click on pages Board Meeting Agendas.
Monday, August 19, 2019
40 HP Pump Repaired - Continue to Conserve
The 40 HP pump is back on line and we are pumping water to the clear well/contact chamber. There are some reported outages of water service at higher elevations, so please continue to minimize water use over the next 24 hours, in order to allow the system to recharge, and enable water service to all patrons. Thank you for your help.
40 HP Pump Has Failed Again!
As we had feared, it appears that the 40 HP pump that keeps our distribution mains pressurized has failed again. At this time, we believe it is the installed rebuilt pump motor that we used to get the pump running again in July. Fortunately, we procured a new pump motor as a back up, and we have various sevice people on site at this time to replace the failed motor. However, it is unclear at this time whether the pump impeller stack has also failed. The repairs will take at least a day, and as we only have a 20 HP motor working to keep the clear well filled, patrons, especially at the higher elevations may experience water service interruption.
We will post updates here as we get them!
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Proposed 2020 Budget Hearing Notice August 28, 2019
is hereby given that Kootenai County Water District #1 (KCWD1), Kootenai County
Idaho, will hold a public hearing for the consideration of the proposed budget
for the fiscal period December 1, 2019 to November 30, 2020, pursuant to the
applicable section(s) of Idaho Code. The
hearing will be held at the Fire sub-station, 7739 E. Sunnyside Road, Coeur
d’Alene, ID at 6:00 P.M. on Wednesday August 28, 2019. All interested resident patrons and tax
payers are invited to appear and show cause, if any, why such budget should or
should not be adopted.
2020 Condensed Budget
2019 Condensed Budget
2018 Condensed Budget
2018 Condensed Actual
Water Service Revenue
Tax Revenue
Insurance Claim Refund
Staff Costs
Professional Services
Maintenance & Operations
Debt Obligations
Office Expenses and Other
The proposed revenues and expenditures for
fiscal year 2020 have been tentatively approved by the Kootenai County Water
District #1 Board of Directors (the “Board”) at their meeting held July 31,
2019. The Board recognizes that a change
to water rates will be necessary to realize the revenue stated in the Water
Service Revenue line.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Notice: Water Interruption in the Vista Heights Area on Thursday, August 15!
Water Service will be interrupted in the Vista Heights area tomorrow, August 15, 2019 from 10:00 AM until approximately 2:00 PM in order to repair a leaking valve. Water is anticipated to be interrupted for Patrons after the jog in the road on Highview Drive, to the end of the street where it dead ends, and possibly for Kingswood Patrons as well.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Update on 40 HP Pump - Return to "normal" Water Use with Even/Odd Watering Schedule
Thank you to all Patrons for minimizing their water use for the last four days!
We replaced the fan on the installed pump motor yesterday and the pump motor temperature has dropped to within an acceptable operating range. However, we are still hearing sounds that indicate a bearing problem, although we are still not sure if it is the pump motor or in the pump stack. The good news is that we have a spare replacement kit for the pump stack, if it fails. We also received back the rebuilt pump motor that failed a week and a half ago, and we are due to receive the new pump motor at the end of this week. This gives us several back-up options if another failure occurs.
At this time, we are going to let the current equipment run as installed, and give all Patrons the go ahead to resume "normal" water use, with the exception that we would like all Patrons to irrigate on the "Even and Odd Day" process. If your street address is an even number, please water on even days only; those with addresses that are odd numbers, water on odd days only (although you don't have to water every other day, if it is not necessary!). Please schedule watering early in the morning to maximize absorption. We believe that this practice will allow the pumps periodic rest times, and still enable the reservoirs to be replenished fully.
Thank you for your assistance.
Special BOD Meeting Wednesday July 31, 2019 at 6:00 PM
A Special Board of Directors Meeting will be held this Wednesday July 31, 2019 at 6:00 P.M.
Please click on the page Board Meeting Agendas to view the agenda.
Please click on the page Board Meeting Agendas to view the agenda.
Friday, July 26, 2019
40 HP Pump is at Risk of Failing Again
40 HP Pump is at Risk of Failing Again!
Please minimize water use immediately!
The 40 HP pump that was repaired last week is at risk of failing again. At this time we cannot pinpoint whether a bearing failure in the rebuilt pump motor or in the impeller stack is the most likely possible failure, but the sound coming from the pump, beginning this morning, appears to be the precursor to a bearing failure. We have authorized a local company to rebuild the pump motor that failed last week, but their best estimate for delivery would be Monday or Tuesday. We do not receive the new pump motor until the end of the week.
If the pump fails, there will be widespread District water service interruptions as the system reservoirs empty. If all Patrons can minimize water use, we can delay the water outages, and we can periodically rest the pump to try to last until we get the repair parts.
Many of you received a recorded Emergency Phone message from the Board President this evening, but unfortunately we do not have a phone number for all Patrons in our database. If you see your neighbors, please ask if they know about the water emergency, and if not, ask them to help by minimizing their water use, and to monitor the blog for updates.
We will be sending out a notice with the next billing to provide emergency notification information for all Patrons, so that we can ensure that all Patrons receive timely notifications of Water System issues in the future.
Thank you for your assistance and cooperation!
Please monitor this blog over the next week for more information and updates.
July 26, 2019 Update on Pump
Thank you to all Patrons who continue to conserve water use!
Please continue your conservation until we have a complete repair of the 40 HP Pump!
Patrons' efforts to conserve water use since the 40 HP pump failure last week has allowed the reservoirs to be fully recovered AND we have even been able to periodically rest our overheating 40 HP Pump during low demand times so that we can cool it down. We have also been using external fans to try to keep the temperature down, but the pump motor is still operating at a temperature level that puts the pump at risk of failure.
We have a new motor fan being received this week and we are hoping that by replacing the current motor fan, we will see temperatures come down in the pump motor. Since this is not a sure thing, we have also placed an order for a complete new pump motor at the cost of ~$5000.00 which is due to arrive middle to late next week.
Please monitor this blog for information regarding the timing of the pump motor replacement and possible water service interruptions that may occur during the repair. We anticipate that the motor replacement will take the better part of a day.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Agenda for July 24, 2019 BOD Meeting
KCWD1 Board of Directors Meeting July 24, 2019 at 6:00 P.M.
Firehouse 7739 E. Sunnyside Road
To view agenda click on page Board Meeting Agendas.
Firehouse 7739 E. Sunnyside Road
To view agenda click on page Board Meeting Agendas.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
What is happening: The 40 HP Pump repaired yesterday is again at risk of failure! We replaced the failed pump motor yesterday with a rebuilt motor that we had on hand. Although this got the system back online quickly, unfortunately, this motor is overheating, and while we have fans running to try to cool it, the motor is continuing to run hot, and may fail. The reservoir is only at 50% after 24 hours, which means that both the 20 HP and 40 HP pumps are running 24/7. If the 40 HP pump goes down, it will again cause widespread water service interruption until we can get a new motor installed.
What we are doing: We are trying to source a new 40 HP motor and get it on order quickly. However, the lead time to receive this 500 lb. motor will be days at best, and could possibly take weeks.
What you can do to help: Continue to minimize water usage until we have a reliable repair in place. We will post updates on this blog as the timing becomes more clear.
Longer term solution: As part of the Engineering Plan submitted to the DEQ for approval, to be funded by a Bond approved in the November 2019 election, a redundant 60 HP pump is to be installed in this part of our system, to ensure that if one of the three pumps fails, the system will still have the pumping capacity to keep the Distribution mains pressurized for total water demand. The redundant pump will also ensure that we do not have to run any of the pumps 24/7 and we can take any one offline for maintenance without interrupting water production.
Friday, July 19, 2019
40 HP Pump repair is complete, but the reservoir needs time to recover so that we can get full repressurization of the Distribution mains. Please do not irrigate for 24 more hours, and continue to conserve water use over the next 24 hours to enable full system recovery. Next week’s forecast is for higher temperatures, so it is important to get our system fully charged.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Water Outages Update
PLEASE TURN OFF SPRINKLERS IF YOU HAVE ANY WATER PRESSURE! Please use water sparingly today and tomorrow.
We have a pump bearing failure in the pump house, and, as a result, the reservoirs feeding the Distribution mains to your homes are very low, causing widespread water outages. We have called the service provider that can fix the pump, and we have the parts on hand. Once they arrive, our best estimate, at this time, is that it will take about two hours to repair. However, once the pump is online again, it will take at least a day to recover the reservoir levels and full pressurization of the Distribution systems. Will post updates as we get them.
Thank you for your cooperation.
We have a pump bearing failure in the pump house, and, as a result, the reservoirs feeding the Distribution mains to your homes are very low, causing widespread water outages. We have called the service provider that can fix the pump, and we have the parts on hand. Once they arrive, our best estimate, at this time, is that it will take about two hours to repair. However, once the pump is online again, it will take at least a day to recover the reservoir levels and full pressurization of the Distribution systems. Will post updates as we get them.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Water Outages
Water Outages reported on E Highview, Bonnell, Vista Loop, High Chaparral, and Borley this morning. We will post updates when we have more information.
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Monday, June 17, 2019
Pump/valve back online 6:15 PM June 17, 2019
System has been repaired as of 6:15 PM. However, it will take at least 36 hours more to recover water levels in the reservoirs. PLEASE CONTINUE TO CONSERVE WATER UNTIL WEDNESDAY TO ALLOW THE SYSTEM TO FULLY RECHARGE.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Valve Failure Reported 12:23 PM Monday June 17, 2019
The Water System Manager reported at 12:23 PM today that a valve in the pump house had failed to open and as a result, water levels in the reservoirs have dropped to a very low level. One pump is working, but cannot fill the reservoir very quickly. An Electrician has been called in for repair. Patrons may experience low water pressure until the valve is fixed. PLEASE TURN OFF ANY OUTSIDE WATERING, AND CONSERVE WATER USE, UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS FIXED, AS IT WILL TAKE SOME TIME FOR THE SYSTEM TO RECOVER!
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Link to Water Restructuring Proposal Notice
Please go to the "KCWD#1 Water Rates" Page to access the link to the notice that was sent out with the June 1, 2019 Billing regarding the proposed restructuring of the Water Rates.
Monday, June 10, 2019
Resolution 2018-01 Water Hook-up Moratorium
Due to recent requests and in the interest of ensuring that all Patrons have access to important District documents, please go to the "Pages" section to link to a copy of the Water Hook-up Moratorium Resolution that was put into place in 2018.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Thursday, May 16, 2019
May 15, 2019 Board Meeting Presentation
The link to the presentation from the May 15, 2019 Board Meeting is now available on the "Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes" Page. Thank you to all the Patrons that attended! Please feel free to email any and all Board members with more questions and comments. Email links can be obtained by clicking on the names to the left of this page.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Special Board Meeting
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
6:00 PM
Firehouse, 7739 E Sunnyside Road
For Agenda, please click on the link in the Pages section: "Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes".
Note: Seating is limited, so you may want to bring your own camp chairs if you are going to arrive close to meeting time!
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Revised Agenda
Kootenai County Water District No. 1
Board of Directors Meeting
April 24, 2019 - - 6:00 P.M.
7739 E. Sunnyside Rd.
Call to order
members present:
Minutes from the
March 27th BOD and April 10th Special meeting
Treasurers Report
Managers’ Report
Old Business
A. Action Item: Motion to adopt new spending policies and
B. Status of bay cleanings; bay 3 repair with Big Sky.
C. Rob Tate Engineering
report update, meeting with John Shields meeting and DEQ submission
D. Action Item: Borley
Road easement update
E. Action Item: Rate change and restructure discussion
F. Discussion on funding bond time frame, loans etc.,
G. Expense reports discussion
New Business
A. Declare declaration of winning elections result to
four BOD seats; fifth seat determined at the May 21st election
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Kootenai County Water District No. 1
Board of Directors Meeting
April 24, 2019 - - 6:00 P.M.
7739 E. Sunnyside Rd.
Call to order
members present:
Minutes from the
March 27th BOD and April 10th Special meeting
Treasurers Report
Managers’ Report
Old Business
A. Action Item: Motion to adopt new spending policies and
B. Status of bay cleanings; bay 3 repair with Big Sky.
C. Rob Tate Engineering
report update, meeting with John Shields meeting and DEQ submission
D. Action Item: Borley Road easement
E. Action Item: Rate change and restructure discussion update
F. Discussion on funding bond time frame, loans etc.,
G. Expense reports discussion
New Business
A. Declare declaration of winning elections result to
four BOD seats; fifth seat determined at the May 21st election
Friday, April 5, 2019
Kootenai County Water District BOD Agenda Special Meeting
Kootenai County Water District No. 1
Board of Directors
Special Meeting
April 10, 2019
7739 E. Sunnyside Rd.
6:00 P.M.
Call to Order
Members Present:
Update on the
results of bay 3 full cleaning April 6,
2019 / Big Sky repair scheduled April 8, 2019
Rate Analysis workshop discussion
Time-sheet design and change discussion
expense reports
Executive Session
A. Idaho Code 74-206 (c)Borley Rd repair easement
B. Idaho Code 74-206 (a) (b) Labor/Employee discussion
Monday, March 11, 2019
Special meeting
Kootenai County Water District No. 1
Board of Directors Special Meeting
March 13, 2019
7739 E. Sunnyside Rd.
6:00 P.M.
I. Call to Order
Board Members Present:
II. Discussion on options and alternatives for acquiring the 1.3 million estimate to fund all District infrastructure requirements repairs.
III. Discussion and review on Tate engineering report for submission to DEQ.
IIII. FY18 EES financial form submission to DEQ.
V. Adjournment
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