Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Update on 40 HP Pump - Return to "normal" Water Use with Even/Odd Watering Schedule

Thank you to all Patrons for minimizing their water use for the last four days!

We replaced the fan on the installed pump motor yesterday and the pump motor temperature has dropped to within an acceptable operating range.  However, we are still hearing sounds that indicate a bearing problem, although we are still not sure if it is the pump motor or in the pump stack.  The good news is that we have a spare replacement kit for the pump stack, if it fails.  We also received back the rebuilt pump motor that failed a week and a half ago, and we are due to receive the new pump motor at the end of this week.  This gives us several back-up options if another failure occurs.

At this time, we are going to let the current equipment run as installed, and give all Patrons the go ahead to resume "normal" water use, with the exception that we would like all Patrons to irrigate on the "Even and Odd Day" process.  If your street address is an even number, please water on even days only; those with addresses that are odd numbers, water on odd days only (although you don't have to water every other day, if it is not necessary!).  Please schedule watering early in the morning to maximize absorption.  We believe that this practice will allow the pumps periodic rest times, and still enable the reservoirs to be replenished fully.

Thank you for your assistance.