To All Patrons:
The District has received several inquiries about receiving a bill in May instead of the expected June billing.
KCWD#1 normally does bill every two months, but as the weather
this year has cooperated, the Water System Manager was able to do an early meter read. Since Spring is when the District does the "trueing" up billing of
what Patrons actually use over the winter months because meters cannot be read due to meter access issues with snow and water accumulation, and several
Patrons raised concerns about the possible "surprise" charges with
the new water rate structure for that time period, the District decided to
do the early billing with the meters read at the end of April instead of
May. During the winter months, the
District only charges the base rate (*MBWR) for fixed costs.
The meter readings covered a five month
period, as the last meter readings were taken at the end of November 2019; i.e. December
2019 through April 2020. The **MGUR charge on the May bill above the $34.00 base rate
(*MBWR) is for five months of actual water use at $1.25/1000 gallons. We will resume our two month billing cycle
after June, as in June you will be getting a one month billing based on meters
read at the end of May, for the month of May.
*MBWR - "Monthly Billing Water Rate"
**MGUR - "Monthly Gallons Used Rate"