To All Patrons:
Thank you all for minimizing/stopping water use over the last few days. With the repair of the valve allowing the operation of the 40 HP pump beginning early this morning, along with the cleaning of Bay 2, the reservoir is now approaching half full.
Although, the reservoir is not fully recovered, the District believes that Patrons can begin to resume normal water use at this time.
During this event, DEQ has NOT REQUIRED a Boil Order, but the District has opted to take samples from the three different zones of the District and submit them for testing today as an additional measure of assurance. We will have results of those tests on Thursday.
Note: To correct some misunderstanding of the request from the District over the last few days, Patrons were asked to curtail water use. We have had several Patrons who interpreted the water use conservation request as an indication that the water was not drinkable. Working closely with DEQ and our interim licensed charge operator during these recent system failures, the District was not directed to declare that the water was not potable.
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