Monday, February 22, 2021

Cla Valve Repaired - 40 HP Pump on Standby

 All Patrons:

Our service provider was able to install a valve from a piece of District surplus equipment to replace the obsolete valve that failed on Saturday.  The good news is that it is a newer valve and if we ever need to repair it, replacement parts are more readily available.  The replacement enables the use of the 40 HP pump which can be turned on when the Contact Chamber recovers to a level that will accommodate the 40 HP pumping volume.

At this time, we are seeing the Contact Chamber level rising steadily, even with the 20 HP pump still running, so turning on the 40 HP pump is planned to happen this evening.

It is important that Patrons understand that the 20 HP pumping volume is just keeping up with current Patron demand, and cannot fill the main reservoir at the same time!  When the reservoir has no water, Patrons at higher elevations lose their water service!  We asked all Patrons to stop water use (or absolutely minimize use) until the main reservoir is recovered, but either Patrons are not cooperating or are still unaware that their water use is slowing the system recovery.  Please help your neighbors out, and curtail water use until the District notifies everyone that the reservoir is at a sustainable level!

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