Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Templin Trail Down Again!

About an hour after re-pressurizing, another break surfaced on the same main on Templin Trail further up the line.  The second leak that was repaired today was a failure of an old splice, and unfortunately, the crew believes that another of the old splices on the line may have failed during re-pressurizing today.  A large section of the two inch main was replaced today around the old splice, but there are numerous splices that have been done over many years on this line, and some of the oldest are now failing.  The crew will begin repairs of this new break tomorrow, and also assess if there is some more extensive work required to shore up this main until it is replaced per the Engineering Facility Plan schedule.

Unfortunately, this new break requires that Patrons on Templin Trail are once again without water service.

Will update when there is any new information.