Friday, August 25, 2023


Update 2:30 PM:  Leak is repaired.  Re-pressurization of the main was started around 1:30 PM.  Patrons who have had their water service interrupted during this emergency repair should flush their lines until running water is clear during first use.

ATTENTION:  Patrons on Kitty, Bonanza, and Dillon will experience temporary water service interruption while repair is made.  Estimated Time of Restoration is 5:00 P.M.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Raw Water Well Cleaning to be Re-Scheduled

Due to Service Provider assisting Emergency Fire Fighting crews in the Kootenai County and Eastern Washington area, the Raw Water Well Cleaning will be rescheduled when the Service Provider can be available.

Monday, August 21, 2023


The board of directors meeting is Wednesday August 23, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. located at 6095 Mullan Trail Rd.  The agenda can be viewed in pages tab under agendas. 

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Budget Approval Hearing Notice

The following was published in the CDA Press Legals on August 12th and 18th, 2023:




Notice is hereby given that Kootenai County Water District No. 1 (KCWD#1), Kootenai County,
Idaho, will hold a public hearing for the consideration of the proposed budget for the fiscal
period December 1, 2023 to November 30, 2024 pursuant to the applicable section(s) of
Idaho Code.  The hearing will be held at the Eastside Highway District Building, 6095 Mullan
Trail Rd., Coeur d’Alene, ID at 6:00 P.M. on Wednesday, August 23, 2023.  All interested
resident patrons and tax payers are invited to appear and show cause, if any, why such budget
should or should not be adopted.


The proposed revenues and expenditures for fiscal year 2024 have been tentatively approved by the Kootenai County Water District No. 1 Board of Directors (the “Board”) at a public meeting held July 26, 2023.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Raw Water Well Cleaning Re-Scheduled to Tuesday or Wednesday, August 22nd or 23rd

The planned cleaning of the Raw Water Well which was originally scheduled for today, Thursday, August 17, 2023, has been rescheduled to next Tuesday or Wednesday August 22nd or 23rd.  This was due to the service provider having an issue on another job, delaying that completion in time to clean the KCWD#1 well today.

Prior to the well cleaning, all SSF Bays will be filled, and potable water trucks are scheduled to deliver water to the clear well during the cleaning process, to keep the system running.  The cleaning will begin around 11:00 AM on Tuesday or Wednesday, and is estimated to take around four hours. 

Please continue to use water wisely throughout this week until the raw water intake well is cleaned, and the District can verify an improvement in the raw water quality to improve efficiency of the SSF's throughput going forward.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

System Status: Saturday August 12, 2023

The SSF Bay that was cleaned on Thursday is back online as of last night and the system has recovered and is keeping up with the restricted demand.  Thank you for continuing to conserve water use.

The Raw Water Intake Well, below the intake pumps, is scheduled to be cleaned this Thursday, August 17, 2023, and until then, the SSF Bays are having to filter raw water with higher than desired turbidity, leading to faster build-up on top of the sand filtering materials, slowing the rate of filtered water flow over a shorter interval between cleanings.

Please continue to use water wisely throughout this week until the raw water intake well is cleaned, and the District can verify an improvement in the raw water quality to improve efficiency of the SSF's throughput going forward.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Bay Cleaning scheduled for Thursday, August 10, 2023 - Turn off landscape watering!

The SSF Bay that was cleaned a few weeks ago, has once again stopped performing due to the build-up phenomenon we observed previously.  The District will clean this SSF Bay again, with a different process that seems to have worked better on the recent Bay that was cleaned.

In addition, August 17, 2023, a special cleaning of the well below the raw water intake pumps is scheduled, as we believe that this may be the major contributor to these rapid build-ups of the hard sediment layer that is causing the fast deterioration of water flow through the SSF Bays.

We are asking that all Patrons conserve their water use by turning off all landscape watering beginning today, and through Saturday, August 12, 2023, so that the system is prepared to handle household water demand as we take this SSF Bay offline on Wednesday evening.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

System Update: Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The second SSF bay which was cleaned on Monday is back online, and System operations have improved.  Thank you for keeping your water use down through this morning, as it has allowed the system to recover to full levels in both the clear well and reservoir as of mid-morning.

The remaining SSF bay is scheduled to be cleaned at the end of this week, but the District has to get final confirmation that the additional labor they need will be available on this schedule.

Water use can return to "normal", on the odd/even landscape watering.  Please do not double up your watering times to "make up" for the odd/even watering schedule.  The clay soil in this area actually is better watered for short durations at multiple times during the early morning and evening, as it saturates quickly, and either runs off or is evaporated, and does not require a total of twice the amount of water if you were watering once or twice a day.

The District is also investigating and working on a plan, with DEQ and our Engineering firm, to identify services and compliance requirements with all environmental regulations, to clean the "well" under the raw water intake pumps, as we believe that this may be a major contribution to the faster than normal build-up on the SSF's which is reducing the system's ability to filter a sufficient amount of raw water over a longer interval between cleanings.  Updates will be posted to this blog site as the plan is finalized.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

System in Recovery

Update 2:00 PM, Tuesday, August 1, 2023:  Thank you to all the Patrons for conserving on water use over the evening last night and into today.  Although there was a draw down in the reservoir, it was less than the last two previous days, and the system was able to hold levels.  The second (previous blog stated it was the third bay cleaned in error; now corrected) SSF bay that was cleaned should come back on line this evening and the two cleaned bays should be able to  recover the system completely and handle a "normal" demand as long as District Patrons stick to the odd/even day watering schedule for the rest of the season.

Please check back to this blog this evening to confirm the lifting of the water use restrictions beginning tonight.

NOTE:  The third bay is scheduled to be cleaned, but with two bays running well, there should not be a need for additional water use restrictions during this process.