The remaining SSF bay is scheduled to be cleaned at the end of this week, but the District has to get final confirmation that the additional labor they need will be available on this schedule.
Water use can return to "normal", on the odd/even landscape watering. Please do not double up your watering times to "make up" for the odd/even watering schedule. The clay soil in this area actually is better watered for short durations at multiple times during the early morning and evening, as it saturates quickly, and either runs off or is evaporated, and does not require a total of twice the amount of water if you were watering once or twice a day.
The District is also investigating and working on a plan, with DEQ and our Engineering firm, to identify services and compliance requirements with all environmental regulations, to clean the "well" under the raw water intake pumps, as we believe that this may be a major contribution to the faster than normal build-up on the SSF's which is reducing the system's ability to filter a sufficient amount of raw water over a longer interval between cleanings. Updates will be posted to this blog site as the plan is finalized.