Update Saturday, September 9, 2023:
The 60 HP intake pump was repaired and put back online Friday.
The Raw Water Well Cleaning will now be done this Wednesday, September 13, 2023, due to reschedule by Service Provider.
Tuesday, September 5th, the 60 HP raw water intake pump will be pulled to be transported to a service provider for repairs. The shop will be able to turn this repair around quickly, and the District is anticipating that the pump will be re-installed and back online in 48 hours, or less. In the meantime, the system will be running on the the secondary 40 HP pump. Fortunately, with the weather turning colder and the recent rain, the 40 HP pump should be able to keep up with the current demand.
Thursday, September 7th, is the re-scheduled date for the Raw Water Well cleaning that was postponed due to the service provider's obligation to work with fire fighters during the recent wild fires in the area. The District will put into place measures to ensure that the system is able to meet demands while the raw water intake is taken off line during the cleaning and re-start process.