Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Planned Water System Shutdown Today-Minimize Water Use

Update 4:15 PM:  Installation took longer than planned, and leaks in some of the new valves were identified around 3:15 PM when manifold was pressure tested.  Leaks were resolved and pumps turned back on just before 4:00 PM.  Reservoir was depleted to 9.4 feet (full is 13.5 feet) from District use during the shutdown, so thank all of you for minimizing your water use during this planned system down time.  Reservoir is now recovering.


As posted previously, the pumps at the main pump house have been turned off, as of 9:00 AM, in order to allow for the installation of the new pump manifold as part of the Phase 1 Capital Project installation of a new pump that will bring our system into compliance with having redundant pumping capability to meet highest daily peak demand if one of the other pumps fails or is taken offline for maintenance.

The reservoir was full prior to the pumps being turned off, so the District water is being supplied by the reservoir only until the pumps are turned back on, estimated at 3:00 PM.

Please minimize water use until 3:00 PM today to avoid the reservoir level dropping to a critically low level before the pumps can be turned back on.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Please monitor the blog for updates on this planned shutdown, and inform your neighbors, as not all Patrons subscribe to the KCWD#1 blog.