Construction has begun on the upgrade of the Grouse Meadows Booster Pump Station as part of the District Phase 1 Capital Improvement Project. In order to do this work, a temporary bypass pumping system will need to be brought online to operate during the construction and installation of new pumps and controls in the Grouse Meadows Booster pump house. On Tuesday, January 9, 2024, water service for the 28 KCWD#1 Patrons served by this booster pump house in the Grouse Meadows, Long Shadowy Lane area will experience a water service interruption from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM to allow contractors to switch water pumping in this area to the temporary pumping system.
Patrons affected by this service interruption should plan not to use water until service is restored. Patrons are asked to monitor the blog to receive updates as to when service is actually restored.
As not all Patrons have subscribed to the blog, please let your neighbors know about this planned water service interruption.
As a reminder, patrons who have had their water service interrupted, should open one inside tap slowly to vent any air that may have gotten into their plumbing, and then flush their lines until running water is clear during first use.