If you have not checked yet, there is a notice that was hung outside your mailbox this morning by some District volunteers. A big THANK YOU to all nine of them for helping to get this important information out to the KCWD#1 community!
If you look to the upper right hand side of this blog Home page, you will see three new pages with additional important information including the Mandatory Water Conservation Measures that were included in the notice that was distributed this morning. Check back to this page periodically as we will update if these measures change.
The second new page is a status page for the Plan to fix our Water System. We will be updating this page regularly so that Patrons can track progress on the work being done.
There is also an updated page listing some Water Saving Tips. If you have more ideas, please email them to custserv.kcwd1@gmail.com so that we can add to the list on this blog to share with the community.
Thank you.