Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Wednesday, July 14th, Evening Update

To All Patrons,

Please keep up the good work on the water conservation!  For the first time in months, we started the day with a double digit level in the reservoir at 10.1 feet!  For the first time in weeks, some of the Patrons at higher elevations in Grouse Meadows did not lose there water pressure completely in the morning!

Work was started on the repair of the six (6) inch main on Mullan Trail early this morning. Still awaiting an update on that progress, and will report when I get it.  Thank you all for your patience and cooperation with the detours around this work area starting early this morning.

In other news, the Board will be meeting with DEQ and our engineering firm next week (time and date still to be finalized) to discuss kicking off a project to add a redundant 40 HP pump in the main pump house to reduce our risk of catastrophic failure of the existing old pump, while bringing on line a more reliable, more efficient new pump.  Will report on project progress on this blog.

We are also in the process of upgrading our Control System as we have seen some hiccups with the controls in the last month that have also contributed to some of our reservoir replenishment issues.  The upgrade includes remote monitoring, troubleshooting, and controls, instead of our current outdated capability of only being able to react to low water level alarms.

Thank you again to the whole KCWD#1 community for implementing the Water Conservation Measures!