Stop all water use until further notice.
At around 5 AM this morning, the reservoir was out of water and any Patron on a gravity feed, from the reservoir does, or will shortly, not have water. There may still be some water in the Vista Booster small reservoir at that booster pump house, but those Patrons should NOT turn their water on at all in order to keep mains pressurized. Gouse Meadows booster does not have a reservoir, so water will be interrupted through that system, also.
Water trucks will be arriving around 7:00 AM, and the District will slowly pump water to the reservoir to repressurize lines. The contractors will also be arriving around that time to resume work on the broken raw water inlet pipe.
When water service is restored, Patrons should repressurize slowly by turning one faucet on slowly inside the home to vent air, and then do the same one at a time with other faucets.
Patrons should assume at this time that when the water service is restored, that a BOIL ORDER is in effect until tests confirm that no contamination of the water due to depressurization occurred. This will take several days after water service is restored.
Directions for BOIL ORDER:
- Water to be consumed for drinking and cooking should be boiled for one (1) minute before use. Use bottled water for drinking and cooking if you are concerned.
- Water for other household use, such as laundry, does not have to be boiled. Dishwashers can be used as the combination of hot water and detergents are designed to disinfect.