Sunday, July 26, 2015

Questions answered from our last meeting

Questions submitted by a few “various members” of our community at the last board meeting are answered below:

·         Budget information is generated at our board meeting in July, published and approved and or amended at our August meeting.

o   Our Treasurer is responsible for the “books” and is a trained accountant using approved accounting practices. We use the cash basis accounting rules.

o   Checks are signed by the board members except the Treasurer

·         Project schedules have been defined by our Engineer and are in process of completing

o   When projects require, permits and public notices are obtained and published

o   When the project requires damaging the road surface, the District is responsible for its repair

o   A new pump has been ordered for the pump house to move water up to the reservoir, arrived this week and its installation will be working with Mike Nagae. This pump is five horsepower more than what it’s replacing and is more efficient, producing 50,000 gallons more a day to the system. The cost is about $9,000 at this point with the installation costs being the variable.

·        The Board felt it was necessary to have our attorney present at the June meeting because of all the conflict generated by some of the districts members. He was able to directly answer some very important questions presented by these concerned members. He charged the District $350 for his services.

·         As you all know, our entire region experienced a record breaking heat wave. Many districts in our area had the same challenges as we did providing water to its customers. Our district met these challenges by improving the filter cleaning process to the point that we now have full capacity available. We used rolling shut off of different parts of our system to catch up since the folks were not observing the odd/even watering program. This program evens out the demand on the system is for to all observe, and allows our reservoirs to maintain a safe margin.

·         Our man-power for the operation of the water system is variable and is driven by requirements and needs. Our employees keep time cards, keep records of mileage and approved by the Treasurer.

o   Mike will be a “Treatment 1, Restricted” water treatment operator, 260 hours of on-site experience within one year, 16 hours of continuing education, pass written exam. He is under supervision of both John Shields and the DEQ

o   Mike was hired with normal business accepted process; public notices, resume, application and interview.

o   Patch did not apply for the job. Patch did not show up for work and called John Shields to report that he quit. There was no customary one or two week notice.

·         The electrical system supplying our pumps is all interdependent.

·         Other questions have been answered and posted on the blog

·         Our board is to serve our district and each member brings their own skill set of experiences to help the District operate. We do not have to be micro managed by our customers. We all use and depend upon the water system and we do our best to manage it for all of our use.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Grouse Meadow outage

The Grouse Meadow booster pump is involved in a power outage. I have reported it to Avista, they have a crew on site, and estimate power to be restored by 10 am. Mike .

Friday, July 10, 2015

Borley repair

Borley road repair is complete water back on as of 1:30!

Borley Rd repair

Water has been shut off on lower Borley to make repairs. I'll post again when water is back on. Mike

Borley Rd repair

We are working on lower Borley Rd today, we do have the pressure turned down. I'll re-post when all is made normal. Mike 🚰

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Borley Rd leak

We will be investigating a leak on lower Borley Rd today. If the water service in this area needs to be disrupted for repairs, I will post on the blog, thanks Mike 🚰

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


I met with our Engineer to discuss Bonanza Ranch challenges and had a good talk with him. He's sending a PDF file of our system so that Mike will know where every line and valve is located.

Our reservoir is now at 60%...thank you for conserving  :-)  Bill

Good news

Our rolling shut off program has allowed the reservoirs to fill to 50%. Now if we can get folks to conserve during these hot spells, we can stay ahead of demand  :-)  On the processing side, our filters are ahead of our pumps, and we maintaining greater that 400,000 gallons a day, way better than last summer. Bill

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fire protection

Mike has been communicating with KC Fire Department and was assured that combined with our resources, we are protected to the best of both departments abilities. Please conserve and today's rolling shut off program is allowing the reservoirs to fill. Thanks, Bill

Water use

We processed 420,000 gallons yesterday and it's been used up. Today we are shutting off sections of the system in an effort to build up the reservoirs. Please be patient.  Remember to avoid excessive use of water, especially in the afternoon. Please observe the odd-even water cycles. Thank you, Bill Welsh

Important: We are investigating a wide spread water outage. Please limit all water usage until further notice. We will put regular notices here on this blog.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Water Production

Today we processed 412,000 gallons, a record... Howerver, our demand is at record levels. Please don't water outdoors in the afternoon and follow the odd-even cycle to spread demand out. Thank you, Bill Welsh

Leak on Little Joe Rd

We are working on a leak on Little Joe Rd in Bonanza Ranch. Water will be off for several hours in that area. The water level in the resivour is very low, please limit your outside watering, thank you.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Water Conservaton

With these high temperatures, please conserve our water. The plant is functioning properly and the District is making more potable water than ever before. However, with more customers and extreme weather, we need to conserve. Please limit outdoor watering to Odd/Even schedules. If your address number ends in an odd number, water on odd numbered days. Likewise for even numbers. This spreads out the demand on our system and helps us serve you better. Also, please limit personal needs of water as much as possible, no long showers!

Thank you for helping us serve you better...

Responses to Meeting questions- June 24th 2015

Why was Patch not hired to replace John Shields?
Patch did not fill out an application for the posted job opportunity
Patch quit his part time position with the District without notice
Why was Dave Dasher appointed to fill the empty seat on the Board?
Dave has over fifteen years of experience on our Board and brings vast knowledge about the District and the operations. He will be a tremendous asset to the Board during this transition period.
He resigned after a conflict with work and that does not currently affect his appointment.
The By-Laws state that the Board shall appoint a replacement to an empty seat for the remainder of the term of the Board member.
That seat comes up for an election in 2017
Why does a non certified water treatment applicant qualify for the management job?
The Department of Environmental Quality has provisions for water treatment transitions. In this case, John Shields will continue to have authority over our water quality until Mike receives his certificate. Mike will also be in a special certification program designed for these transitions and will be certified upon completion of the required hours and testing.
The certification is only one part of managing the District. Mike brings many years of experience dealing with the public, vendors and regulatory agencies. He has many characteristics that the District needs in order to operate smoothly.
Why didn’t we know about these meetings?
The Board holds regularly scheduled monthly meetings the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7PM at KCFR fire station #6 at 7739 Sunnyside.  To avoid holidays, the November and December meetings are held the third Wednesday.
Why don’t you, the Board, use the internet better?
As volunteers, we try to cover the many needs of the District. Many more pressing matters have taken large amounts of time, without pay. The Board will do its best to get a web or blog page with all pertinent information needed as soon as possible (as many know, this is a very time consuming process). In the mean time, the Board has collected email address and will use this for mass mailings.

Why can’t I get copies of the Board meetings?
As mentioned in the meeting, we know this is a requirement but have not before a few months ago, received such request. We did not have a policy in place. We are researching the ability to provide hard and electronic copies for the public. We plan on using our web page and emails for this purpose and will establish a cost for providing hard copies.
Who is on the Board?
    The Board is made up of five tax paying members of the KCWD#1.
        Bill Welsh, President     Dave Dasher, Vice President
        Diana Fost, Treasurer    Loretta Zabka, Secretary   Jeff Barber, Director at large
     Why was an inexperienced person hired as Manager over a person with experience and certifications?
The manager’s position involves much more that being certified at the beginning. DEQ has Mike in their program and he is working towards earning his certification. Mike has many years of experience which will assist him with this job.
     Why is the new Manager being paid more than a qualified, certified part timer?
        The amount of pay for employees is confidential.
     When will Bonanza Ranch issues be addressed? 
DEQ is aware of our plan, established with our Engineer, to replace the infrastructure in Bonanza Ranch
Is there a long-term maintenance schedule?
Yes, our employees follow manufacture schedules on equipment. The Manager has scheduled parts replacement on the infrastructure.
     What has been done to fix the most recent low-storage, low-pressure problem?
Mike followed John’s instructions on how to clean the filter properly and we now exceed water demand by a large margin. High temperature days have caused the use of more treated water than the District has ever had to process.
     When and how will tonight’s questions be answered?
        You are reading the response
      How was Patch’s situation handled?
Patch did not apply for the Managers job after two and half years of having the opportunity work for and earn this position.
     Who is the Board’s boss?
        The Board answers to the Districts customers and the regulatory agencies
     Who owns the water district?
Like most government agencies, the taxpayers have paid for the infrastructure and    equipment
     How do I obtain copies of budgets, minutes and financial reports?
District reports will be published first on the bulletin board at the pump house, and then on our web page (a process being worked upon), and through emails submitted.
     Does the District have sufficient back-up to replace expensive pumps?
At the moment, yes there are funds available for new pumps. Like many households and business, these funds may need to be used in another area.
     Is it legal to use someone else’s certifications while a new person works to earn their own?
Yes, DEQ has approved of Mike for his new position. Also, the District is under the certificate that John has earned, as approved by the DEQ. There is also a list of local certificate holders which can be used by the District, approved by the DEQ, in the event that both John and Mike are not available.
     How can patrons find out about elections, bond issues, Board vacancies, hiring opportunities, etc.?
These will be published in our invoices, bulletin board, email and on our Blog and or web page.
     What other communication methods are available besides the newspaper?
        As noted: email, bulletin board, and soon to be available web and or Blog page.
     How will the current (and future) Board vacancy be filled?
Districts By-Laws instruct the board to appoint individuals for vacancies. When a chair has served six years, the position is either filled by acceptance of the current board individual, or an election is held.
      Can meter readings be added to bi-monthly water bills?
Our Treasure is checking to see if our software can be modified for this function. The Board agrees that this is a good idea.
     Can District use open space on bills to communicate with patrons?
        There is already a comment section on our invoices and it’s used often.
     When is annual budget created, published, reviewed, amended and adopted?
The Board creates a draft proposal of the next year’s annual budget at their July meeting.  The budget is published twice in the CdA Press in early August.  At their August meeting, the Board considers revisions to the budget.  If there are no changes, the Board formally adopts the budget then and there.  If changes are necessary, then the Board publishes the revised budget (again in the CdA Press) in early September and adopts it at their regularly scheduled meeting later that month. 
What will fee structure be whenever public records are requested?
The Board is working on a fee structure for printed copies. As mentioned, we will publish as much as we can via email and our web/blog page
Does the District currently need part time help?
The District will continue to use part time help as needed. Interested parties may fill out an application and be on file for calls
     Since not everyone reads the Press and not everyone has access to the Internet, how can everyone be contacted?
        Subject addressed above

   Thank you for the opportunity to serve and answer your concerns,  
   Bill Welsh, President KCWD#1

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Meeting Minutes June 24, 2015

Kootenai County Water District No. I
Board of Directors Meeting
June 24, 2015

  1. In-term President Bill Welsh called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with the following present:
Loretta D. Zabka, Secretary
Diana Fost, Treasurer
Jeff Barber, Director

    Guests:   *******
        See Separate Sign in sheet

  1. Minutes for the June meeting approved by motion (m/Barber, s/Fost)

  1. Treasurers Report for June meeting, motion made (m/Barber, s/Zabka)

  1. Manager’s Report approved by motion (m/Barber, s/Zabka)
A note on lead and copper tests:  All passed will be put on next invoice.
Item #8 approved regarding hook-up application from Greg Samson at 8627 Yellowstone Trail;( m/Barber, s/Fost)  

  1. Old Business
  1. Nomination for Dave Dasher to reside on board; motion made
(m/Barber, s/Zabka)
  1. Vacancy on board for Vice President; board voted Dave Dasher; Bill Welsh voted to President.  (m/Barber, s/Zabka).

  1. New Business
  1. Bill began by addressing patrons in attendance firstly, addressing an ominous letter randomly distributed to resident’s mail boxes. The letter disturbed many attending. Secondly, he then opened the floor for individual concerns and questions.
  2. Some individuals asked specific questions others sounded off;  This is an account of some of the questions asked specifically by patrons name:
  1. Opening remarks began by David Allinger with an aggressive demeanor towards the board addressing his son Patch Allinger and his dissatisfaction about his son’s lack of continued employment with the district.
  2. Lou Peterman defended Patch’s tenure with the district and asking questions regarding his employ.
  3. Nancy Allinger, mother of Patch, voiced her dissatisfaction with the board on not retaining her son for further consideration of the manager position.
  4. Mike Martin specifically asked questions about the district’s water flow and the concern that the manager position would require additional part-time help.
  5. Teri Jett addressed her distress as to not being informed about the districts policies and procedures and criticized the communication through the local newspaper.
  6. Wayne Wood asked the board to justify the hiring of someone with not enough water experience skills?
  7. Bill Appleton, the water district attorney, addressed the hiring and handling of employee personal matters.  He informed the audience of the official guidelines on how personal matters are handled; and what was legally appropriate to talk about.
  8. Terri Jett questioned the attorney and did not agree with his direction on personal discussion
  9. Doug Brochet had questions on the board conduct, but asked with vulgarity and disrespect.
  10. Sandy Clovis asked John the costs of water pumps? And the purchase of additional pumps for back-up, also the quality of our water at the sand filtration system?  John responded in detail to her concerns.
  11. Jill Marshall asked for the districts by-laws.
  12. Carri Glesnor asked for response to the questions.
  13. Woody requested a meter read on water bill.
  14. Several patrons requested email for more communication between the district and themselves.
  1. Bill concluded the question/sound off session with closing remarks and assurance that those attending would have their questions answered.
  2. Board discussed tasks, duties and or changes that the manager could perform at any time with or without board approval.  DEQ pre-approves any up-grades before any work ever begins on the filtration system.
  3. Policy guideline establishment is under construction for hard-copy requests of water board business; i.e., cost per copy, upfront money collection, time-frame for request.  Also, discussed utilizing staffed employee’s for such requests.
  4. Diana Fost made a motion to create some type of kiosk box or cover board to post KCWD information for patron residents.
  5. Dave Dasher made a motion to fulfill patron, Lu Peterman, requests of minutes, treasury expenses for up to six months at no charge within 3 days.

  1. KCWD #1 Projects List
  1. Vista tower – John checking
  2. Distribution upgrade  Hass and Little Joe

  1. Adjournment 9:50 p.m. motion made (m/Barber, s/Zabka)