Sunday, July 26, 2015

Questions answered from our last meeting

Questions submitted by a few “various members” of our community at the last board meeting are answered below:

·         Budget information is generated at our board meeting in July, published and approved and or amended at our August meeting.

o   Our Treasurer is responsible for the “books” and is a trained accountant using approved accounting practices. We use the cash basis accounting rules.

o   Checks are signed by the board members except the Treasurer

·         Project schedules have been defined by our Engineer and are in process of completing

o   When projects require, permits and public notices are obtained and published

o   When the project requires damaging the road surface, the District is responsible for its repair

o   A new pump has been ordered for the pump house to move water up to the reservoir, arrived this week and its installation will be working with Mike Nagae. This pump is five horsepower more than what it’s replacing and is more efficient, producing 50,000 gallons more a day to the system. The cost is about $9,000 at this point with the installation costs being the variable.

·        The Board felt it was necessary to have our attorney present at the June meeting because of all the conflict generated by some of the districts members. He was able to directly answer some very important questions presented by these concerned members. He charged the District $350 for his services.

·         As you all know, our entire region experienced a record breaking heat wave. Many districts in our area had the same challenges as we did providing water to its customers. Our district met these challenges by improving the filter cleaning process to the point that we now have full capacity available. We used rolling shut off of different parts of our system to catch up since the folks were not observing the odd/even watering program. This program evens out the demand on the system is for to all observe, and allows our reservoirs to maintain a safe margin.

·         Our man-power for the operation of the water system is variable and is driven by requirements and needs. Our employees keep time cards, keep records of mileage and approved by the Treasurer.

o   Mike will be a “Treatment 1, Restricted” water treatment operator, 260 hours of on-site experience within one year, 16 hours of continuing education, pass written exam. He is under supervision of both John Shields and the DEQ

o   Mike was hired with normal business accepted process; public notices, resume, application and interview.

o   Patch did not apply for the job. Patch did not show up for work and called John Shields to report that he quit. There was no customary one or two week notice.

·         The electrical system supplying our pumps is all interdependent.

·         Other questions have been answered and posted on the blog

·         Our board is to serve our district and each member brings their own skill set of experiences to help the District operate. We do not have to be micro managed by our customers. We all use and depend upon the water system and we do our best to manage it for all of our use.