Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Janmuary meeting, December minutes

                                                Kootenai County Water District No. I

Board of Directors Meeting- January 27, 2016

(Minutes – December 16, 2015)


I.                    President Bill Welsh called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following present:

Dave Dasher, Vice President

Loretta D. Zabka, Secretary

Bob Grammer, Director


            Guests:   *******

                        Austin and Maria Mullen, Lu Peterman, Nancy Bartee


II.                  Minutes for the Dec. meeting approved by motion (m/Dasher, s/Zabka)


III.                Treasurers Report for Dec. meeting, motion made (m/Dasher, s/Grammer)

1.      Mike asked for specific guidelines to handle late warming’s and turn-offs.

The board set; a disconnect would occur upon 20 days late, with a prior disconnect notice sent out.  Motion made (m/Dasher, s/Grammer)


IV.                Manager’s Report approved by motion (m/Grammer, s/Zabka)


V.                  Old Business.

A.      Prioritize projects changed:  1. Reservoir cost 2. Line replacement Bonanza Ranch 3. Smart meters.  Motion made (m/Grammer, s/Zabka) Dasher opposed.

B.      Shon and Raquel Waddell, district patrons, have a tentative meeting Saturday morning, December 16, with KCWD board to walk their property perimeters for possible water tank location and discuss costs and terms.


VI.                New Business

A.      Dasher spoke to Rod Stewart about HSI – Owen financial on a re-development old project.

B.      Julina Hildreth from The Kootenai County Tax Assessor’s Office has offered to visit with the board on understanding our tax structures and assessments.  To be added to the agenda in February.


VII.              KCWD #1 Projects List

A.      Vista tower – Mike is working on a location

B.      Distribution upgrade  Hass and Little Joe


VIII.            Adjournment 8:30 p.m. motion made (m/Zabka, s/Grammer)