Kootenai County Water District No. 1
Board of Directors Meeting
February 27, 2019
7739 E. Sunnyside Rd.
6:00 p.m.
I. Call to Order
Board Members Present:
II. Minutes from January 30, 2019 BOD meeting
III. Treasurers Report
IIII. Managers’ Report
V. Old Business
A. Action Item: Discussion/edit to adopt new policy and procedures for Obtaining Approvals; Expenditures for the Operation, Maintenance and Repair and Discretionary Spending Policy for KCWD 1.
B. Status of bay 3 cleaning, tentatively scheduled after January 30 meeting for repair SSF bay 3 – Big Sky.
C. Kinzo - ICRMP Policyholder Release discussion
D. Discussion on accurate water loss percentage
E. Overview of district plan, loan status, and timeline for repair and reduce loses.
F. Discuss rates/rate changes; explore options and timeline
G. Action item: Discussion on quotes for replacement of malfunctioning heater at pump house.
H. Discussion on Mr. Bill Sherman and Mrs. Janet Hayworth property easement/restoration compensation.
VI. New Business
A. Discussion and setting for budget hearing date and location for submission to Kootenai County auditor.
B. Claudia presenting an overview and review of IDEQ bond engineering status from a February 20 meetingwith Rob Tate, Suzanne DEQ, Mike, Claudia and Loretta.
C. Review and discuss repair priorities for Tate to move forward on submission to DEQ.
D. Action Item: Discussion on motion to remove water district manager, Mike Waterhouse as an account signer.
E. Action Item: Discussion to amend By-Laws to allow Treasurer (Lee Wheeler) to become an account signerand motion to authorize Lee to bank signing.
F. Discussion of attorney arrangement
G. Discussion for a Special board meeting March 13, 2019 for agenda item Bond amount and districts critical state.
H. Action Item: Discuss, review interested applicants and vote to fill open board seat.
I. Executive Session: Staffing Concerns and Sherman/Hayworth easement compensation
VII. Adjournment