Friday, July 26, 2019

40 HP Pump is at Risk of Failing Again

40 HP Pump is at Risk of Failing Again!

Please minimize water use immediately!

The 40 HP pump that was repaired last week is at risk of failing again.  At this time we cannot pinpoint whether a bearing failure in the rebuilt pump motor or in the impeller stack is the most likely possible failure, but the sound coming from the pump, beginning this morning, appears to be the precursor to a bearing failure.  We have authorized a local company to rebuild the pump motor that failed last week, but their best estimate for delivery would be Monday or Tuesday. We do not receive the new pump motor until the end of the week. 

If the pump fails, there will be widespread District water service interruptions as the system reservoirs empty.  If all Patrons can minimize water use, we can delay the water outages, and we can periodically rest the pump to try to last until we get the repair parts.

Many of you received a recorded Emergency Phone message from the Board President this evening, but unfortunately we do not have a phone number for all Patrons in our database.  If you see your neighbors, please ask if they know about the water emergency, and if not, ask them to help by minimizing their water use, and to monitor the blog for updates.

We will be sending out a notice with the next billing to provide emergency notification information for all Patrons, so that we can ensure that all Patrons receive timely notifications of Water System issues in the future.

Thank you for your assistance and cooperation!

Please monitor this blog over the next week for more information and updates.