Saturday, February 20, 2021

Water Service Outage - Main Pumps Failure


Update 7:45 PM:  Both pumps are up and running, but will have to be manually cycled overnight to compensate for low flow rates from the sand filters.  Reservoir recovery is slow, so PLEASE CONTINUE TO CONSERVE WATER USE.

Update 10:58 AM:  40 HP pump was restarted, and water is being moved to the reservoir, but it will take time for recovery (24 hours).  Awaiting arrival of electrician to understand why the pumps went down and to repair.

Both of the main pumps in the Main Pump house have failed to start, and the reservoir is now at a very low level.  Widespread water service interruptions are being reported.  The District Electrician is on the way in to troubleshoot.  Please monitor the blog for further updates.