Friday, August 26, 2022


To All Patrons:

Turn off all landscape watering from noon, Monday, August 29th through midnight Wednesday, August 31st.

Watering food plants is allowed, but please practice general water use conservation during this time.

Due to the weather pattern this year, the sand filters are more quickly accumulating the surface layer that impedes water flow through the filters.  Although we have used remedial measures to try to keep the flow rates up to meet the high demand during this season of prolonged hot weather, we have reached the point that we must take a bay offline to have it thoroughly cleaned. 

This process takes approximately three days: 1) draining the bay; 2) scraping and disposing of the surface layer (schmutzdecke); and then 3) refilling and flushing the bay for 24 hours before putting it back online to produce filtered water.

Because of the high demand, and the maximum flow rates that can currently be achieved with all three bays, taking a bay offline will significantly reduce the amount of water that the system can produce, which will not be able to meet the current peak demands.  We need all Patrons to conserve water use during this process.    

We will begin to drain the sand bay at noon, Monday, August 29th, and we have a crew scheduled to clean the bay on Tuesday, August 30th.  We anticipate being able to bring the sand bay back online sometime after midnight, August 31st.

Thank you for your cooperation.