Monday, October 22, 2018

September minutes

Kootenai County Water District No.1

Board of Directors Meeting

September 26, 2018


I. President Bill Welsh called the meeting to order 9:45 p.m. after public meeting starting at 6:00pm, with the following board members present:  Bob Grammer Vice President, Loretta Zabka- Secretary, and Tim Leeder – Director.  Absent: Ben Martin


Guests:  Justine Lund, Robert Zabka, JD Owen

Patrons were able to sign up for comments during the public meeting and were in excess of forty individuals.


II. Minutes from the Sept 5 special meeting approved by motion,

(m/Zabka, s/Leeder) all in favor.


III. Treasurers Report approved by motion (m/Grammer, s/Leeder) all in favor


IIII. Manager’s Report – Mike Waterhouse present:  Report approved by motion (m/Leeder, s/Grammer) all in favor


V. Motion made to table the board meeting at (Item V) Old Business until Wednesday, October 3 at 6:00 p.m.  (m/Zabka, s/Grammer) all in favor


VI. Board Adjournment 10:10 p.m. motion made (m/Leeder, s/Grammer) all in favor






Special Board Meeting October 3, 2018


President Bill Welsh called the meeting to order 6:00 p.m. with the following present:  Bob Grammer, Loretta Zabka, and Ben Martin.  Absent:  Tim Leeder


The meeting was canceled immediately upon opening as the Board was cited for a violation of the open meeting laws by patronNorman Milem who claimed the meeting and agenda were not properly posted. To avoid any question of impropriety the board president closed the meeting.  No business was conducted.  


Someone left a copy of the laws on the desk in the board meeting location and they were not discovered until the committee meeting on 10/19/18.