Sunday, July 18, 2021


Thanks to everyone for turning off your sprinkler timers!  We had a full reservoir as of 7:00 AM this morning.  At this time we can return to our Water Conservation measures as follows:


OUTSIDE WATERING: All Patrons are to MINIMALLY water on an odd/even schedule, with no watering on the 31st of a month. Addresses ending in odd numbers water on odd dates, even numbers water on even dates.  If you can water less frequently, please do so. Very green grass means too much water use. Please stagger watering times on your assigned dates with half in the morning, and half at night or alternate watering times from morning to evening.


In addition to the above, please use all means to reduce overall water use, such as:

v Try collecting grey water and use it for your garden needs (e.g., spring water collecting under your home, dish water, etc.).

v Turn off water fountains and features that require water replenishment.

v Take shorter showers, not baths.

v Fully load dishwashers and washers and use shortest settings.

v Put covers on pools and spas (or any sizeable water container) when not in use to reduce evaporation.

v Do not run sink water when doing dishes, brushing teeth, shaving, etc.

v No car washing, power washing, or other elective water use.

v Fix leaks, broken/misdirected sprinklers.