Friday, July 9, 2021

Thank You to All Who Attended the Emergency Meeting Friday Morning

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank all of the Patrons who attended the Emergency Meeting this morning.  Their participation in understanding the water system issues and limitations, discussions, suggestions on possible solutions, and willingness to volunteer to help get the word out about what we are trying to solve, based upon their new understanding of the serious problems we are facing during these hot summer days, was most welcomed by the Board.  The District will soon be distributing a "door hanger" notice, and posting to this blog, to let everyone know what the issues are with our community water system, and what everyone must do to ensure our system can provide essential water for all Patrons, while lowering the high risk of a system catastrophic failure.

If you can volunteer to help distribute door hanger notices, please email me at claudiag.kcwd1@gmail.comI will be notifying all volunteers where to meet when we have the notices ready to distribute!

Please continue to conserve water use, especially daily consumption, while we finalize the mandatory measures for all households which were discussed and supported by those who attended the meeting.

Claudia Gough

President, KCWD#1 Board of Directors